

  • Try to stick with it. I log in here everyday, sometimes several times per day to log my food intake! I have this site automatically load with my browser so there is no chance of me forgetting. Good Luck to you!
    in New to site Comment by dleeami July 2011
  • Thanks for your replies. I will have to speak with Dr. about it soon. It just seems odd to me this is happening since it has not happened with any other type of exercise or strenuous activity. But then again some say the elliptical is quite a workout.
  • I sweat a ton, especially facial sweating. Embarrassing? Oh heck yeah, but what am I going to do? I cannot walk from one end of the grocery to the other without breaking out into a sweat. When I get to the register is where it gets really bad with sweat pouring off my face and dripping into the cart and floor. Hubby often…
    in Sweat a lot Comment by dleeami July 2011
  • Here are a couple sites I have used. http://www.georgeforemanrecipes.com/ http://www.food.com/cookbook/recipes-for-my-george-foreman-grill-179498 Good Luck!
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