

  • OK after 2 weeks (of SF/MFP/running/zumba) stats are now: CW: 247lbs Waist: 39" (loss of 4.3") Tummy: 46.9" (loss of 2.8") Hips: 53.9" (loss of 1.2") Thigh: 30.7" (loss of 1.6") Calf: 18.5" (gain of 0.8") Arm: 17.3" (no change) 1st 30DS completed. 2nd due later today (when I've recovered from today's run!) Can feel that…
  • Brilliant timing on this thread... my 30DS arrived a couple of days ago and I did day 1 today... My husband is going to take some measurements and before pics later today (I know that's slightly the wrong way round) but my stats from June 6th (when I started with MFP) were: SW: 256lbs CW: 247lbs Waist: 43.3" Tummy: 49.6"…