JM 30 Day Shred



  • wendywr
    wendywr Posts: 8
    I'm in!!! I asked for, and got the 30DS from MIL for my birthday last year, but then never actually used it. I belong to a gym that has a daycare, and it's much easier to work out with my kids safely contained. But, I saw the "Ultimate Before and After" thread, and decided I should really give it a try. Having you guys to hold me accountable will help me finish it off.

    It's funny, I'm much more into bulletin boards and online friends than my husband, but I really don't come to the forums much. He browses a lot, but doesn't post a lot, but sends me links to threads he thinks I'd like and is shocked that I haven't really jumped in here.

    I lent my dvd to a friend, but I'll make sure to get it back by our big start date. :)
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    okay, so found the DVD at Walmart for $10, tried Day 1 with a friend tonight... wow!! It's tough, I have no ab or arm muscle to speak of. Legs and cardio parts were MUCH easier for me. But pushed through, and sat in the sauna after... feeling good, hope I can move tomorrow to do it again!
    Oh and I'm starting earlier because I'll be out of town a few days, and have a crazy, unpredictable work schedule, so I might have quite a few days off... hopefully I'll finish around the same time as you and we can all share our wonderful before and after pictures! took my befores today.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    I have been doing No More Trouble Zones for about two weeks now (and wow does that destroy you). However, since the workout is 40 minutes I bought 30DS to alternate :) I think NMTZ's is basically like level 2 or 3 of 30DS for DOUBLE the time lol. Anyway, I would love to be a part of a group of people who are doing the Shred, etc :) I love Jillian Michaels and her no BS style! Like she says, if you want results you gotta PUSH and PUSH I do lol! Today is 30 Day shred Day so I'm looking forward to getting off of work! Nice to meet everyone :)

    oh im looking into getting either no more trouble zones or burn fat boos metabolism. i mostly do 2 levels of shred back to back! so maybe i should give this a go! thanks for the info!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    I am not wanting to post mine either...but I WILL when I have my "afters" to show the one is here to judge but it is nice to be able to show off your hard work at the end!! I have heard a lot of people do them back to back and get great results...I don't know anyone who has done them togethor...but i do NOT think that your body will get used to it after only 30 days...I always make monthly routines up to this point and have had great results :)
    I'm nervous, I do not like my before pictures and don't want to post them! Also,do you think if I do three rounds of 30DS along with the 6week 6 pack I'll see a difference? Or will my body be used to the same thing and get stuck?

    i reckon you will get good results! i do shred back to back as i dont find one level burns many calories for me. or sometimes i do a level and go running for 30 mins! so stick with it and you will get results!

    i dont like before and afters of my own either! lol! but willing to give it a go! :) im almost halfway through, will do day 9 today!
    SMCNEIL40 Posts: 80 Member
    I ordered the DVD, I hope it will be here and ready for me to start on July 1st! I am excited about the results. Looking forward to the support!
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    I started 30DS this past Monday but would love any extra motivation I can get! I have done it 5 days in a row, but now it is to the weekend where I have the most troubles fitting workouts in. Good Luck everyone!
  • write2sonya
    write2sonya Posts: 165 Member
    This is great timing!
    I too have seen so many posts regarding this amazing workout that I decided to buy the DVD on Amazon this past Tuesday. I just received an email yesterday that it has been shipped so I should have it by the 29th. I can’t wait to get started and to know that all of you will be starting too! I will take pics & measurements, not sure if I will post but at least I will have them for myself.

    We can do this :happy:
  • Brilliant timing on this thread... my 30DS arrived a couple of days ago and I did day 1 today...

    My husband is going to take some measurements and before pics later today (I know that's slightly the wrong way round) but my stats from June 6th (when I started with MFP) were:

    SW: 256lbs
    CW: 247lbs
    Waist: 43.3"
    Tummy: 49.6"
    Hips: 55.1"
    Thigh: 32.3"
    Calf: 17.7"
    Arm: 17.3"

    Really hoping this makes a difference before my son's Christening on August 14th!!!
  • KaytiGirl
    KaytiGirl Posts: 11
    I have been doing No More Trouble Zones for about two weeks now (and wow does that destroy you). However, since the workout is 40 minutes I bought 30DS to alternate :) I think NMTZ's is basically like level 2 or 3 of 30DS for DOUBLE the time lol. Anyway, I would love to be a part of a group of people who are doing the Shred, etc :) I love Jillian Michaels and her no BS style! Like she says, if you want results you gotta PUSH and PUSH I do lol! Today is 30 Day shred Day so I'm looking forward to getting off of work! Nice to meet everyone :)

    oh im looking into getting either no more trouble zones or burn fat boos metabolism. i mostly do 2 levels of shred back to back! so maybe i should give this a go! thanks for the info!

    Ya if you do level 2 back to back I recommend NMTZ's! I LOVE it! I actually think level one of 30 Day is WAY too easy and does not give me the same workout at all! Maybe I should move onto level 2 since I am already doing No More Trouble Zones :) I have heard that Banish Fat Boost Metabolism is AWESOME too I plan on throwing that into my rotation! I actually think doing the SAME workout each day is not the best method, its better to switch it up!
  • comcatee
    comcatee Posts: 48 Member
    Did day 2 yesterday night... and my body is still pretty sore today! Mostly in the upper arms, thighs, and butt, which is good because those are exactly the areas i want to get more toned :)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    I have been doing No More Trouble Zones for about two weeks now (and wow does that destroy you). However, since the workout is 40 minutes I bought 30DS to alternate :) I think NMTZ's is basically like level 2 or 3 of 30DS for DOUBLE the time lol. Anyway, I would love to be a part of a group of people who are doing the Shred, etc :) I love Jillian Michaels and her no BS style! Like she says, if you want results you gotta PUSH and PUSH I do lol! Today is 30 Day shred Day so I'm looking forward to getting off of work! Nice to meet everyone :)

    oh im looking into getting either no more trouble zones or burn fat boos metabolism. i mostly do 2 levels of shred back to back! so maybe i should give this a go! thanks for the info!

    Ya if you do level 2 back to back I recommend NMTZ's! I LOVE it! I actually think level one of 30 Day is WAY too easy and does not give me the same workout at all! Maybe I should move onto level 2 since I am already doing No More Trouble Zones :) I have heard that Banish Fat Boost Metabolism is AWESOME too I plan on throwing that into my rotation! I actually think doing the SAME workout each day is not the best method, its better to switch it up!

    excellent! i think i may have to treat myself! is the burn fat got more cardio then? i do level one and then level 2 to change things up. going to do that for 15 days then do level 2 and 3! eek! currently n day 10/30, i take rest days on zumba days on tues.
  • leonardk09
    leonardk09 Posts: 86 Member
    Did day 2 yesterday night... and my body is still pretty sore today! Mostly in the upper arms, thighs, and butt, which is good because those are exactly the areas i want to get more toned :)

    I finished day 2 last night as well! Since I started on Tuesday, my thighs are KILLING ME. Ironic too, since I've been running/getting better in shape for the past two months. Just goes to show that once you work a certain muscle you haven't paid much attention too before... it gets worked.

    But, no pain no gain!
  • equinehugger3
    equinehugger3 Posts: 75 Member
    Alright!! I def am dreading the before pics too...but the afters should make it well worth it!!
    SO excited! I am totally in(: My DVD is in the mail, and I still have to take my before pics... Not very thrilled about that, Lol.
    Yeah, that's the only reason I'm doing measurements and pics! :P
  • Then im starting w/ and lets see whos losing waight faster
    so when are you going to start ? 29th ?
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Sunshine-that's ok!! just start when you get back...we won't all be doing it at the exact same pace anyways :)

    LotsOtots-I would say it is personal preference...the more the merrier though!! I will be doing upper arms, chest, ribs, natural waist, hips, and thighs I think :)

    slainger-glad to have ya in the group!! Nice head start already too! :)

    Amanda and Kevin-welcome to the group!! Did you do your befores yet or are you waiting until closer to your start day??

    Wendy-sweet!! start date in June 29th remember!! I have had my shred for a while too....I HAVE done in a handful of times...but I say the same thread that you did, and am ready to go at it full time!! WOOT!

    Des-awesome!! I have heard people say that if the pushups are too wall pushups! the few times that I have done this I did "girlie" pushups and did ok with them! What lb weights are you using?? I would suggest pushing through it today too (even if oyu are sore) they say until you get past day 4 you will surely be feeling it hardcore!! LOL good job getting it started!!

    Mariam-maybe you could take befores...before you start the 6pacl one?? or do it now...and in 21 days...either way I am sure you will see a difference!

    SMCNEIL-glad to have you in the group!! start when you get your DVD and we will go from there!!

    Bditbobcat-day 5...sweet!! it the rumor true about day 1-4???

    sonya-we must have all seen the before and afters on the shred thread!! LOL glad to have some extra support over here too....we can totally do this!

    novakitten-I am sure you will see great results by then! welcome to the group!

    Kaytiwelsh-I def think that you should move to level 2 whe 1 is too easy...I plan on doing the same with each level!

    comcatee and leonardk-it is awesome be sore! that means that it is pushing you and that your muscles are glad to hear it!

    equine-well...I think it it will def be rewarding to have something to look at that shows all of the hard work that we have done!! I can't wait until the afters!

    AIM-I am starting on the 29th(along with some of the other people on here)...but a few have already started and a few will be starting on the 1st due to vacas and stuff!! I only have 14lbs to lose yet, but I would love to lose around 6-8 within this timeframe!! I am shootin more for toning and inches lost we shall see!

    Only 5 days to go!!! I can't wait!:love:
  • eresin
    eresin Posts: 104 Member
    I will start with you. I started a couple of weeks back and stopped after 2 days...laziness is a bad habit of mine, but i will start again on 29th the same as you. Kick me up the bum if I slack!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    eresin-you got it!! and same for me too...if I slack!! LOL
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    Des-awesome!! I have heard people say that if the pushups are too wall pushups! the few times that I have done this I did "girlie" pushups and did ok with them! What lb weights are you using?? I would suggest pushing through it today too (even if oyu are sore) they say until you get past day 4 you will surely be feeling it hardcore!! LOL good job getting it started!!

    Thanks!! Pushups were definitely hard, I was doing the girly (knee) pushups today but still barely made it through, lol maybe I'll try the wall ones tomorrow! I'm only using 2lb weights now, started with 3lbs but still found it a bit too much with some exercises. Hopefully will move back up to 3 soon :) I am a bit sore in my thighs, but it'll be worth it. can't wait to get past that 4 day mark!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    OMG! I just finished day 1 and I am hot sweaty nasty. I for sure want to get a heart rate monitor to know what kinda calories I am burning cuz that just kicked my tail!
  • I started this a week ago now but have only been doing it every other day because I was so achey that it was effecting my job - it involves alot of walking.

    I would like to join this though, it would be great to get some motivation to do it every day. I am going to start properly tomorrow and get a head start as I go on holiday for 5 days a week into july and it would be cool to finish around the same time as everyone else. I will take my "before" pics tomorrow.

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