JM 30 Day Shred



  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    im a little ahead but did day 10 yesterday! will go for day 11 tomorrow and c25k! thats the plan anyways!

    i started on the 12th of june and have missed 4 days (incl today), i dont shred on tues due to zumba and i take one rest day a week! i wanted to do day 11 but my body says no! need a rest!

    i have taken some befores but will only share when im done! lol! i will be re-starting round 2 soon as im done so for all those starting a bit later i will be here! however i did notice that one of my tops in a 6 which used to be snug is now quite loose! and my waist band on my shorts are also loose!
  • bmwells1
    bmwells1 Posts: 10
    I will second the perfect timing. I am new to MFP but I am loving all of the support and motivation. I will be starting 30DS with yall on the 29th. Thanks so much for the initiation of this thread. I will take my measurements and pictures hesitantly but know that I will be happy to see the end results. This thread is going to me my motivation through this process as I need something to keep me honest and on track. We have a vacation planned for August 11th to Garner State park and I am looking forward to wearing a few cute outfits in a smaller size.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    silvery-WOOT!! yup, the 29th, and yup 10 days per level!! don't forget your before pics and measurements!

    delana-glad to have you sure to listen to your body of course!! as far as logging it in MFP, if you don't have a HRM I recommend putting it under circuit training. And for your measurements, I am going with biceps, chest, hips, thighs, and waist. The way that I do it (to ensure that I am being consistent month to month) is measure at the biggest point for my biceps, chest, hips, and thighs, and the smallest point for my waist (ie. my natural waist). I hope this helps?!

    abbyy182-welcome :) only 3 days to start (for most of us)!

    LotsOtots-3 days to go!!! I do a lot of walking at I know what you mean!! we are gonna have to just push through for a bit, and get this done!!

    tieen-welcome...we are starting the 29th!

    emzachek-welcome to you too! just start when you get it...and let us know how you are doing!

    walkinggirl-alright!! round 2....sweet :)

    Des92-you are doing great!! way to keep up the momentum!!

    Kory-welcome to the group!! I have only 14lbs to go til goal too...but I am in it for the toning like you...and maybe for a little jump start for the last little bit!!

    Givemewings-great start so far!

    Mariam-CONGRATS on your NSV!!! you are rockin it for sure!!

    bmwells-welcome to the thread and to MFP!! I also have a vaca on August I am totally ready for the results that the shred has given to many others!!

    3 days til we start!!
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    I plan on starting with you guys! I figure it will be a great way to start my 30's!! :)
  • uneacadienne
    uneacadienne Posts: 4 Member
    Alright, you got me, I'm in! I need support and this looks like a good group to find it in! Will start 30DS this week, and I think I'm going to look into the c25k too! Desperately need to get moving!! Procrastination is my problem!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Level 1 Day 3...DONE!
  • equinehugger3
    equinehugger3 Posts: 75 Member
    I finished day 2, level 1, and I can feel it! I LOVE JILLIAN. I can tell she's going to change my life.
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    L1D1 done. I am exhausted and a little light headed but I did it. I took before pics and measurements and cannot wait to see the numbers go down.
  • ElisaRazz
    ElisaRazz Posts: 84 Member
    Just wondering what weight dumbbells is everyone using?
  • equinehugger3
    equinehugger3 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm using 3lbs, but this is my first time ever using weights... :P
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    Just wondering what weight dumbbells is everyone using?

    my weak little arms are only doing 2lbs each! I also have 3 and 5lb weights that I'm hoping to move up to when I actually get some muscle!
  • mathlete99
    mathlete99 Posts: 133 Member
    What great timing...hubby and I just decided to start tomorrow, so I am up for this challenge!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    michelle_eiz-I just turned 30 too!!! glad to have ya in the group :)

    uneacadienne-no more procrastination girly!! this group will be great support to keep us all on track!

    tbhoover-great job!! how is going for you so far??

    equinehugger-alright!! no pain no gain!!

    courtneylwatson-way to get it done!! be careful not to overdo it...or you will give up before you are done!!

    ElisaRazz-I will be using 3lbs also!! sounds like most people start with 2-3 to ensure that they can keep up with it for the full 30!

    mathlete99-welcome, to you and your hubby!! don't forget to do your before pics and measurements!!

    AFM-3 days until I start...I have made out my plan...I will be doing the 30DS Sun, Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri, and Sat. I am taking Tuesday off to do stretching and yoga, with the hopes that it will losen me up a bit for my weigh-ins on Wed!! And I will be adding in 10,000 steps on Sun-Tues(while I am at work)!! So I will for sure get in my 30 outta 35 prob!
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    I'm using 3lb dumbells as well, they are definately burning me. L1D2 complete (was so sore, surprised I could actually do it)...

    Question: Do the muscles ever start to losen back up during the shred (for those of you that have done this or have heard)? My legs are super sore and I am worried that I won't be able to power walk/jog w/ my work lunch exercise partner. I don't want her to suffer for a month because I am too sore to walk w/ her.
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    Day 8 for me. I know many have said that the hardest day is day 4, but I think my hardest days were the ones that fall on the weekend. It is then that it is easiest to fall off the wagon. I actually made it through my first weekend! I was pretty proud especially considering I had a party and had guests staying at my house. I also will note that I lost 1.1 lb in the first week which I was very happy with considering all of the eating and drinking I did this weekend. :)

    Oh and btw I am using 5lb/8lb dumbbells, but I will note that I have already done P90X so I am still "strong" from that. :)
  • vitamina19
    vitamina19 Posts: 30
    I started it last week but then stopped over the weekend. I will join you on Wednesday!

    I am alternating between 5 and 8 lb weights.
  • calicobonny
    I love Jillian and have this DVD, but have never used it for 30 days straight. I want to give it a try. I'll start on Wed. Not looking forward to the before pictures!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    I'm using 3lb dumbells as well, they are definately burning me. L1D2 complete (was so sore, surprised I could actually do it)...

    Question: Do the muscles ever start to losen back up during the shred (for those of you that have done this or have heard)? My legs are super sore and I am worried that I won't be able to power walk/jog w/ my work lunch exercise partner. I don't want her to suffer for a month because I am too sore to walk w/ her.

    yes they will. keep at it! they will loosen up pretty soon. continue walking with your friend as thats good exercise too
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Day 8 for me. I know many have said that the hardest day is day 4, but I think my hardest days were the ones that fall on the weekend. It is then that it is easiest to fall off the wagon. I actually made it through my first weekend! I was pretty proud especially considering I had a party and had guests staying at my house. I also will note that I lost 1.1 lb in the first week which I was very happy with considering all of the eating and drinking I did this weekend. :)

    Oh and btw I am using 5lb/8lb dumbbells, but I will note that I have already done P90X so I am still "strong" from that. :)

    oh well done! i alternate 3-6lbs! depending on how i feel! i will be doing day 11 today!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    tara sounds like you are going to do what i am! apart from my 4 rest days so far! i skip shred on tues as thats my zumba day! and others i do a double dose of the shred! so will be here to spur you on!!