JM 30 Day Shred



  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    wara-cool!!! glad to hear that you had such great results!! if you'd like to tag along with those of us doin the shred...while you are doin the ripped in 30...feel free :)

    equine/vitamina-I think that you can do them both togethor...just be sure you don't "put too much on your plate"!! if you try to do too much at once, you will be more likely to not succeed...IMO!! Also, you won't know which results are from which DVD...and personally with my OCD I like to know exactly what results come from what I do, so I can keep that as a reference for the future :)

    courtney-sounds like you have some big workout goals!! I give you a ton a credit if you can truly follow your plan everyday...cuz I know that I couldn't! As far as diet...I pretty much stick with my MFP guidelines...I am always under my cal goal (avg of about 1350-1400 cals/day), try to get at least 40g of protein, stay under 180g of carbs, get at least 15g of fiber, and stay under 2500mg of like you, just healthy foods to be able to stick within these guidelines :)

    tbhoover-congrats on completing day 4!! I don't have a 6month old (I do have a 12yr old) but my schedule is constantly busy so this time amount will work well for me too!!

    ****fair warning (not a lecture) to all of you who are wanting to do a ton of exercise on top of the is good to push yourself, and it is good to get extra cals burned, but I recommend sticking with a reasonable amount of exercise that you will be able to follow through with all of the time! The more you plan...the more chances you have of failing each goal...and once you fail 1, it is easier to fail them all! I know that a huge loss is always nice...but remember, that slow and steady wins the race!! and what you are doing now to lose the weight, is gonna show you what you will need to do for the rest of your life to maintain your goal weight!! :)****

    with that being said....I am greatful to have all of you joining me in this challenge...and no matter what you plan on doing for your workouts...I'll be rooting ya on!! Let's do this!
  • kmamac
    kmamac Posts: 9 Member
    It's a great workout.. I'm on day 7 of Phase 1, and still cant figure out how someone as small as Jillian can be so EVIL!! Best of Luck .. the program is intense but worth it so far!
  • kmamac
    kmamac Posts: 9 Member
    Yea!! Day 4 was tough for me..but my advice would be to stick to the shred then move on to the ripped and so on. Take them on one at a time and kick Jillian's butt!
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Wow, done w/ D3L1 and it is already a lot easier than day 1! I did most of the push-ups ('girly' style) and didn't have to stop once otherwise. I even was able to do 25 minutes on my elliptical immediately afterwards (although, I am curious of how I am going to feel tomorrow).

    Looking positive so far!

    I don't know if anyone else has access to what I add to the database...I added the 30 day shred w/ avg heart rate 140 under cardio. My Polar watch/chest strap heart monitor gave me the caloric burn that I entered for the database.

    Also, has anyone else noticed that from start of jumping jacks to end of cool down is actually 27 minutes...
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    :love: I LOVE this so far!

    Do you think it's too much to do 6 Week Six-Pack at the same time?
    I was wondering the same thing. Has anyone done it?

    if you can handle it, go for it! Ive done the shred back to back since I started on the 12th. Did 10 days of level1 and 2, and will now. Do another 10 days of level 2 back to back! I find that one level doesnt work me that hard. I do zumba once a week and run once or twice a week too.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    I completed day 11 yesterday, have had 4 rest days so far.

    good luck for today to those starting out and those who are continuing onto days 2/3 onwards. The pain does get better!! So hang in there :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    kmamac-congrats on day 4!!! I agree with step at a time!!

    Kory-i think that what you enter into the database is only for you...cause I enter in a bunch of workouts per my HRM, so that I don't have to use it all of the time! I have noticed that it is 27minutes total!! I think it is the 3 circuits at 6 minutes (with 2 spare minutes in between every move??) that they count as the 20!! I am glad that you said this has been bugging me!! LOL I had a burn of 199cals in the 27min for level one...I will wear my HRM again at the start of level 2! How did your burn turn out?? I was wondering how my compared to everyone I know if I should be trying to push harder (although I don't know if I could!)

    Mariam-great job girly!!! 2 more days until I start!
  • comcatee
    comcatee Posts: 48 Member
    Last night was the first night I was able to do all of the side lunges with anterior raises! Usually my arms burn so bad I switch up and do some bicep curls instead... but I'm feeling stronger already and I made it through! :smile:
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    tjradd-My HR monitor results for calories burned were (I have issues keeping my heart rate down to fat burning zone, so athough my caloric burn was good, it would've been more beneficial if I could've slowed it down some)

    day 1-268
    day 2-265
    day 3-245
  • jesguinn
    jesguinn Posts: 94 Member
    I want in on this! I just started level one last night and it kicked my butt, so I'm definitely going to need some motivation from others to keep going!
  • cervenec
    cervenec Posts: 64
    I started today! I fell off the wagon trying to do this last month but seeing progress on here will help a ton. :) Can't wait to feel that burn~
  • vitamina19
    vitamina19 Posts: 30
    tjradd-My HR monitor results for calories burned were (I have issues keeping my heart rate down to fat burning zone, so athough my caloric burn was good, it would've been more beneficial if I could've slowed it down some)

    day 1-268
    day 2-265
    day 3-245

    No don't worry about getting your heart rate down. While you technically burn a higher percentage of calories from fat in that zone you will burn more calories overall in the higher zone which will be higher amount of fat. Does that make sense?
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Whoa, boatload of responses! Hey TJ - I'm totally for this. I haven't been working out as well as I should be (or at all, really!). Excuses excuses but I have plenty of time. Summer break = TIME!

    I have the dvd, I'll make some befores today (measurements/pics) and get started with you tomorrow!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Just finished day 5! I am not seeing any change on the scale and I'm not great at taking measurements but I feel a change in my clothes already :-)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    comcatee-alright!!! there is nothin better then seeing improvements so quickly!!

    kory-seems like you are going closer and closer to fat burning zone each day...I bet you will be in that range within this first week still!

    jesguinn-welcome!! A lot of us are starting you will be right on track with us!

    cervenec-glad to have ya!

    Sarah-glad that you decided to join in!! I took my before pics a couple of days ago (blah!) and I will be doing my measurements and weight tomorrow!! let's do this!

    tbhoover-I will only be doing my measurements on day 1 and then again at the end of the month...did you take befores?? just try to remember where you took them so you repeat that at the end! Don't worry about the scale...a lot of people stay the same (and even have a small gain in the beginning) due to water retention in your will start dropping soon as long as you stick to it and to your normal "diet". great job on day 5!
  • sabre0link
    I'll join in on the fun... I've started it before, but not been able to keep going (mainly due to work schedule changes, or body issues), but hopefully those issues won't rear their ugly heads this time.

    I'll fix up my signature with info...
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I'll join in on the fun... I've started it before, but not been able to keep going (mainly due to work schedule changes, or body issues), but hopefully those issues won't rear their ugly heads this time.

    I'll fix up my signature with info...

    cool!! are you gonna start tomorrow with the majority of us??? don't forget to take your pics along with your measurements!! welcome!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I just retook my befores...I was NOT ok with the other I will choose a front, side, back, and flex shot out of the ones that I have for my befores!!

    can't wait to start tomorrow~!~
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    L1D3 and did just a 1 mile walk today. I felt like I had more energy through the workout today. Good Luck to every one starting tomorrow.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    thanks girly!!! can't wait!

    L1D3 and did just a 1 mile walk today. I felt like I had more energy through the workout today. Good Luck to every one starting tomorrow.