

  • Hey there and well done on your efforts. The thing with these guides is that they are general guides. so it is basically like an average for everyone. To Truely find your calories burnt you would need to get a HRM. I guess with the MFP guide is it is giving you a rough picture of what you are burning and from my experience…
  • It all really depends on how quick you want to lose weight. for me the goal that is posted on myfitnesspal.com app isn't quick enough for me so I do not take into account the calories I have burned during my workout. I use that to burn more calories, or to "bank" them for a later time that week.. If you are happy with the…
  • Hi there. Motivation is the biggest thing for all of us I think. I know I have had to get a partner to come running with me otherwise i'll just roll over and go back to sleep. I'll wake up at 0600 and get dressed then sit on the lounge and wait as my running partner doesn't "start" until 0630, but that whole time i'll be…
  • Hi there Frances518, Firstly I understand what it is like to have good days and bad days. I have for the past 12 years battled with weight and at my heaviest weighted in at 206kg (approx 450lbs). I denied it to myself all the time that I had a problem. It was everyone else who had the problem. I wasn't fat I was just heavy…