

  • Add me too!!! :)
    in Buddies? Comment by Pickles64 April 2013
  • Again, Ignore this post - I was told that my "poison" comment was judgmental, and it wasn't intended to be. I apologize.
  • Ok, that tastes good, but why would you want to put that fast-food poison in your body? Not judging - Just wonderin' This wasn't meant for you - sorry, but it won't let me delete - JUST IGNORE THIS POST. lol
  • I know how you feel - but when you think about how much progress you have made, or want to make and realize that doing that to yourself, no matter how down or how much you *think* you want it, it isn't accomplishing what you want it to. Think of food more as fuel than solice. You can get more happiness from taking a walk &…
  • A college student up above made comments about veggie soup... which is great - but means you're not cooking for a family of 4. Generally, when just cooking for yourself, you can afford to make whatever sounds good to you & eat the same thing every day for awhile - I have done that - but I am also married with 2 kids... and…
  • I'm new too -the people here are really nice & supportive... just take it one day at a time. :)
  • WOW IS RIGHT! You are motivating me!!!! Keep it up XO!
  • I love hotdogs... but they are a processed food, containing nitrates and a lot of salt. Chicken/Turkey dogs have helped, but still there are a lot of additives that make them unhealthy. My grandmother lived to be 99 years old, eating things like sausage & gravy, hot dogs/brats, and fried chicken... but her motto was:…
  • Are you still or did you breastfeed/ing? I would say that everyone's different - Anorexics lose a great deal of weight & my theory is, that although they are small, rarely do they have the "right" kind of weight on... I don't see muscular anorexics. They DO store fat... at least until they are so depleated that their…
  • I'm sorry about your mom - My mom was conjestive heart failure. She got a pacemaker in March and we thought it would help to give her a little more time, but no such luck :( My mother lost her mother when she was 19 (before I was born), and she used to say you NEVER get over the loss of your mother... boy, is that the…
  • Nancy, you're so SWEET! Thank you - Yes, I have been taking advantage of my work's grief counseling program and crying every single chance I get, just so I don't "table" the feelings & have them bubble over later. I am, generally, a very cheerful person, so actually letting myself feel like crap is a step in the right…