vatruitt Member


  • I definitely look at the labels! I can give them a quick once-over and it helps me evaluate what I'm about to buy. I immediately look at calories and serving sizes, a lot of packaged foods pull the 100 calories per serving, but that serving is one bite trick. Actually it saved me from buying Kashi cereal at walmart today.…
  • What this guy said. However I'd watch the intake of various nutrients to make sure you don't land up with a deficiency later on. I eat whatever I want and it is great at controlling hunger and cravings.
  • Yeah I know what you mean... Last week I was baking a chocolate cake for a party and when it came time to whip the ganache I just kept tasting it and tasting it...... with a tablespoon! And making excuses that I'm "testing the consistency" LOL I've actually been trying to make healthier meals, but its not easy because me…
  • Both me and my boyfriend have been drinking diet sodas for a long time with no issue. I've been drinking almost 2 litres a day since I started losing weight and it's not hindered my weight loss one bit. I also have a good grasp of chemistry so I know exactly what I'm putting in my body anyway. The taste however.... takes…
  • I don't really mind either way, though my man is hairy all over including side hair (??? first guy I've seen it on).
  • I'm a night eater and eat one large meal a day so... most of them? Hehehehe. I eat a large dinner over the course of a few hours late at night, but I never eat breakfast and rarely eat lunches bigger than a snack.
  • Wow.. I'm surprised how much nutritional misinformation gets parroted along on these forums. Mercola is a quack and the majority of the stuff on his site is in no way supported by hard science. Next there'll be anti-vaccination and anti-fluoridation videos, sheesh.
  • Until last year when I gained my extra weight I was a size 2, but fit into occasional 1s or 0s based on the brand. I think I was something like 35/24/34. I was 115-120 pounds, but I'm only 5'3". Right now I'm around 145 and wear a size 4. My mom, however, is like the person size 0 was designed for. She is TINY. She's 5'…
  • I weigh almost everyday... the exception is when I'm plateauing. If i haven't seen a change in a little while I'll stop for a few days and then weigh again. Keeps me from being worried about my progress. However, I only record my weight if there's been a change (up or down).
  • When I have a fast food craving (not very often but it happens) I'll usually just go get a small portion of whatever I want. My general approach is that if I eat a balanced diet most of the time and exercise portion and calorie control I can eat whatever I want. I just treat it as a dessert because I hate sweets. If I'm…
  • It gave me 123, which is pretty right on, I'm aiming for 125-ish. Dunno about the smoking, I put "no" cause I smoke and I'm not planning on quitting. I think they ask because you gain a bit of weight just after you quit??
  • I'm in this category. I'm 5'3" and want to lose 20-25 pounds. I actually gained about 25 pounds when I moved to Tennessee last year, gorging or barbecue and various down home cooking isn't good for the weight :). Fried foods and really high calorie/fatty meat dishes are my downfall. I've always eaten low sugar, but that's…
  • I'm a cross between hourglass and skittle - my waist/belly is a lot smaller than my butt/top, but I also have thunderthighs.