GIRLS UNDER 5' 4" with less than 30 lbs to loose!



  • I fall into this category too! I'm about 5'1 and I would like to lose another 10 pounds. A couple of weeks ago I was at 150, when I started MFP I was at 145, I'm now between 134 and 135. Every pound is getting more difficult to lose though. It's starting to get a little frustrating. I'm not giving up, just getting more motivated and putting more time and energy into my workouts.

    Me too! I am getting there but as the numbers get smaller it gets harder. We can do it!
  • bevepr
    bevepr Posts: 14
    5'2 and eight to loose! in my second day with 30 day shred with jullian michael!!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I just had to chime in today because I was SOOOO freaking happy with the scale today! I only weigh in on Thursday's, and I'm officially under 140 for the first time in 17 years!!!!! YAY! I really don't know how much more I'll lose, people keep asking and I'm like "10 more", but right now I feel like I can conquer the world... so I'm not nearly as worried about the number on the scale as I used to be. Sure, I'd love to say "I'm 5'2" and 125 pounds", but seriously... WHO CARES!!!! I'm THIS close to "normal" and that feels freaking AMAZING!!!!!!

    Keep up the hard work, ladies... it TOTALLY pays off!!!!
  • aly1221
    aly1221 Posts: 55
    SO AWESOME! keep it going!!
  • I am right there too! My scale only moves half a pound for a day or two and than goes back up!!! I need to drop 10 and am 5'3". Let's do it girls!!
  • Tajmommy12
    Tajmommy12 Posts: 10
    I too fall into this category. I am only 4'11" and this is my first week on the program. I weight 150lbs; goal weight is 130lbs. Let's stick together!
  • kd10680
    kd10680 Posts: 31
    What a great idea!!!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    I just had to chime in today because I was SOOOO freaking happy with the scale today! I only weigh in on Thursday's, and I'm officially under 140 for the first time in 17 years!!!!! YAY! I really don't know how much more I'll lose, people keep asking and I'm like "10 more", but right now I feel like I can conquer the world... so I'm not nearly as worried about the number on the scale as I used to be. Sure, I'd love to say "I'm 5'2" and 125 pounds", but seriously... WHO CARES!!!! I'm THIS close to "normal" and that feels freaking AMAZING!!!!!!

    Keep up the hard work, ladies... it TOTALLY pays off!!!!
    That is awesome and great attitude. I'm 5'2 also and would be absolutely content if I was 140lbs or less. I just want to be in the healthy range. I've never really felt "fat" but my jean size was discouraging and the charts putting me in the obese category was enough to make me cry... so i'm changing it! I'm almost down two jeans sizes and i'm outta the obses category and it feels awesome! Congrats on your progress:flowerforyou:
  • rachhogg73
    rachhogg73 Posts: 2 Member
    I just started on MFP... I dropped calories to 1200... started the GNC Embrace plan, and have lost 5 lbs in a week.
    Now, I just need to get started hard with cardio.
    I hit my highest non pregnancy weight about a month ago... :( Time to do something quick! Summer.. and nothing fits!
    I have never been lower than 130ish... I feel a little sickly looking when I am even that weight.

    Any advice for me to continue with losing 2-3 lbs a week?
  • chaylajean
    chaylajean Posts: 26
    I am 5'2 with 29 lbs to lose!! :) short people unite!!
  • stephhrae
    stephhrae Posts: 9
    Hi Girls,

    I am 23 years old. I am 5'0 - 130lbs. All throughout high school I was in sports and weighed between 95-105lbs.
    Of course, college hit me and the drinking and late night junk food packed on the pounds. I want to get down to 105lbs again, but realistically 110lbs. So I am looking to lose 20-25lbs.

    It's so crazy, I used to run in track and now I hate running and it's so hard to get back into working out.

    So, today is day 1. Wish me luck! I am really excited, because I feel like this is finally my time and I can actually do it.
    You all seem SO supportive, and that is what I really need.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    I just started on MFP... I dropped calories to 1200... started the GNC Embrace plan, and have lost 5 lbs in a week.
    Now, I just need to get started hard with cardio.
    I hit my highest non pregnancy weight about a month ago... :( Time to do something quick! Summer.. and nothing fits!
    I have never been lower than 130ish... I feel a little sickly looking when I am even that weight.

    Any advice for me to continue with losing 2-3 lbs a week?
    I have found 2-3lbs a week is a possible weight loss if you REALLY work for it. I mean strict calorie budget and lots of cardio (like 5 days a week). I use the 1200 calorie budget also and average about .5lbs to 2lbs a week. It all depends on my effort. I'm a mom of 4, manage a bar, and like a few shots of whiskey here and there... All these things really effect the numbers I get for the week. My biggest obsticale has been trying to find a happy medium at to where I can make this a lifestyle change versus just a diet i'm doing right now.
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    Where is everyone from? Anyone from the west coast? I'm in Oregon :] Gotta love the rain =/

    I'm in West Michigan... near the shore of Lake Michigan!!! I've lived here forever, and even though I wonder why sometimes, it's amazing!!! Summer's finally here and I'm taking advantage!!!
    I'm in Oregon... Just spent the weekend at the beach and it was gorgeous! No, rain and I was able to wear a tank top on the beach and got a sunburn.... absolutely amazing!
    Which beach were you at? I wanna go to seaside or lincoln city soon!
    We started out in Lincoln City then ended up in Newport. I've never been to Seaside. We tried once spur of the moment and got there and couldn't find a single motel to stay in so we drove back home:grumble: Where do you live in Oregon?

    I'm from the Portland metro area, Gresham to be exact. Seaside is a pretty tourist town.
  • I'm 5'3 and I need to lose 25 pounds! I'm at 158 right now would like to get to 135. My biggest hurdle will be compulsive eating and exercising. I just started so wish me luck!
  • mathergirl
    mathergirl Posts: 16 Member
    I am 5'3 currently at 132 and have not lost in like a month, I would like to lose about 5 more but am loosing hope....
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    I'm 5'3 and I need to lose 25 pounds! I'm at 158 right now would like to get to 135. My biggest hurdle will be compulsive eating and exercising. I just started so wish me luck!
    We are almost exactly the same size! I'm 159lbs and 5'2 (and a half). I also think 135 would be great... at this point i'd probably be happy at 140 though. You don't need luck... just motivation and determination :flowerforyou:
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    This week has been great for losses for me :smile:

    I am down to 144 from nearly 147 last week. That is such a huge change when I am used to seeing 0.2 loss a week!

    I am concerned about my sugar intake. Do any of you eat low sugar all day long? Like less than 40g a day? I can't seem to get it under 70g a day!
  • vatruitt
    vatruitt Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in this category. I'm 5'3" and want to lose 20-25 pounds. I actually gained about 25 pounds when I moved to Tennessee last year, gorging or barbecue and various down home cooking isn't good for the weight :). Fried foods and really high calorie/fatty meat dishes are my downfall.
    I've always eaten low sugar, but that's because I hate sweets. I never eat any dessert or candy and don't usually make sweet sauces. However I'm not sure how that would work out for someone who doesn't have my set of dislikes. It also helps that I don't eat weird prepackaged stuff, I cook all my meals from scratch. A lot of packaged stuff has a ton of sugar/salt/fat in it to make it taste less bland.
  • hadley0910
    hadley0910 Posts: 91 Member
    This is the group for me! I'm 5' and would like to lose around ten pounds.
  • valarson5
    valarson5 Posts: 7 Member
    5;2" and new to MFP. Would like to lose at least 15 pounds.
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