savadleysmom Member


  • Welcome aboard! I just started as well!! It is working great!!
  • Step away from the chocolates....grab your your full....well we can dream can't we!?!?!?
  • So funny....did that yesterday! I guess my problem was I didn't stop to think every morsel has calories....thinking twice before anything goes in! LOL!!!
  • So funny....did that yesterday! I guess my problem was I didn't stop to think every morsel has calories....thinking twice before anything goes in! LOL!!!
  • I have also done WW in the past. Love the program but $40 a month right now is not possible. I am a preschool teacher so I am not getting the "aerobics" of waitressing but some days I do come home wore out! I was so excited to enter my biking for the day and see I "earned" 357 calories for it!!! WooHoo!! Love the visual…
  • So very true!! Thank you ladies in advance for being there!!! This website is so neat!!! Wish I would have found it sooner!!
  • So glad to learn I am not the only one with baby weight still hanging around!! Everything I read says you lose more when you do this with a buddy....I am hoping this buddy thing works because I certainly can't do it on my own!!!
  • My goals....I would love to lose 15 pounds. At least that is my achievable goal after that we shall see. I see these people on TV losing huge amounts and I think "I can't even lose 15 pounds" it shouldn't be that hard. I totally agree on gaining weight easier after child birth. It doesn't help when they leave that chicken…
  • Certainly makes a difference when you know you have to type in your food! Love it love it! It was even more satisfying when I went on a bike ride this morning and was able to see the calories I burned!!!
  • Hey there...I am new to this as well. I could say I am trying to get rid of post pregnancy weight but it has been hanging around for nearly 6 years. So glad someone else is new here. Love the reviews, hoping it works for me!!!