

  • the whole "i'd get with you if I wasn't engaged" is what threw me off. and he obviously told her no after the comment she left on his FB ... maybe he's telling the truth??
  • Is there a reason why you wouldn't trust him? I know I would go off on my fiance if I ever seen something like that! He had a comment on there that said "I love you mom" and it wasn't his mom so I asked him about it. It was his best friend's mom. If you trust him and you KNOW he is telling the truth, good. If not, I don't…
  • I'm just going to keep at my 27 mins of circuit training because yes, I cannot afford a HRM. Thanks for all the info!!!
  • I've never done CE and I'm new to the whole "getting healthy" bit ... I am doing 30DS and I lost 10lbs in the first 4 weeks and I really like it. It makes me sweat, but since I've never done the other, I don't know.
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