JM's 30 Day Shred

Ok, so I started this DVD back in June. I really like it and I do it a little differently than what your supposed to. I do each level for 3 weeks so I can get through them the right way before moving on to the next Level.
So my question is how do I log the exercise on MFP?
When I first started I was going in and individually putting like "5 mins of jumping jacks" or "5 mins aerobics" and then I learned what circuit training was so I just put 27 mins of that for Level 1. BUT now I'm on Level 2 and I KNOW I burn more calories than on Level 2 but I am still putting in 27 mins of circuit training.
Have any of you done the shred and how have you logged it?


  • hstallings13
    I"m on level 3 and still just log it as 20 mins of circut training
  • ariellespiller
    The best way is probably to use a heart rate monitor and measure exactly how many calories you're burning, then customize one of the preset exercises with that amount of calories.
  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    the adv I burned on level 2 was 170 to 212, better under log it, just in case, but yes get a hrm
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    I was told to do 25 min. of circuit training. ( Not everyone can afford a HRM people)
  • beckywallin
    I'm just going to keep at my 27 mins of circuit training because yes, I cannot afford a HRM. Thanks for all the info!!!
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I'm just going to keep at my 27 mins of circuit training because yes, I cannot afford a HRM. Thanks for all the info!!!

    that's what i do. it's not so important to me to calculate my exercise calories perfectly. i know i'm just going to try my hardest no matter what, and i know that my estimated weight in 5 weeks thing is always going to be wrong anyway. lol :-)