alm0dni Member


  • I am the same way...WInter is horrible! However I noticed my biggest problem I had was myself. I made excuses for EVERYTHING! It was too hot, or too cold, or raining, or I was just TOO tired. But I have started tp change the way I am thinking. It is hard, but it can be done. I tell myself that I CAN do this and that I will…
  • I agree with that. It should be the right of the business owner. If their customers smoke then let them. Especially in bars. Everyone in the bar are adults, it is your choice to go.
  • Where I live smoking is banned everywhere unless the food sales are under a certain percentage. So most bars are smoke free.
  • Facts that I know are this- My grandfather died a horrible death of lung cancer and I am now watching my mother die of the same thing. It is a horrible thing to watch, as any other drug related death. People will do what they want illegal or not. The government can ban anything they want, but there is always a way to get…