tammlane Member


  • Thanks so much> I am not sure how to let y'all see my MFP but if y'all tell me I can do it. I try to eat all of my calories but if i do the exercise in the evening I am not hungry after. I am trying to eat more fruits, veggies and protein. I have cut back on carbs a great deal (because that is what i really like). I've…
  • I did week1day1 again last night. I think I might do every day twice. It will wind up taking me 20 weeks to get to the 5K but slow is better then nothing. I have not run in a long time but between the C25K download on my blackberry and the threads on here Ithink I'm I can get back to it! We can go this!!
  • I started Monday! It was not as bad as I thought it would be. I downloaded the app on my blackberry and it really helps. The only problem I had was the app said to start with a warm up then do 60 sec of running then 90 sec of walking for a "total of 20 minutes". I was thinking the whole thing would be 20 minutes but it is…
    in C25K Comment by tammlane April 2011
  • Sounds like a plan to me! I'd love to be able to run a 5k. I'm in! :wink: