

  • If you don't frequently up your weights and challenge yourself in the weight room, you burn fewer calories and won't improve as your body becomes accustomed to one routine. Make sure you change the order of the exercises you do and the exercises themselves, and challenge yourself but focus on form so you don't injure…
  • That's what I'm trying to do, that seems like it problem is, now that I've upped my carbs and overall calories, I'm having trouble cutting down again! Help??
  • Entire jar of nutella....or jars of peanut butter :(
  • Fruit. Some fruits have higher sugar content than others, however. Apples are a great fruit to eat despite the sugar--they contain a lot of fiber, which keeps you full. Vegetables tend to have less sugar, but carrots contain more than most. Fruit yogurts are a big culprit, and they tend to have added sugars. If you love…
  • Hi! I'm a 5'10 D1 rower...who studied abroad and gained 15 lbs on top of the 10 or so I already needed to lose. Rowing is a sport where weight matters, so I'm trying to get down to 146 from my current 167. Rowing and rowing machines at the gym are a great all-body workout btw! Since I've been home, I'm eating better and…