

  • I don't eat crazy stuff, but I do eat way different than I used to. Mostly fresh foods and poultry. During the summer I go to the local farmer's market on tuesdays and sundays to buy fresh fruits and veggies. I make myself buy one or two things I really don't know about or have never tasted before. then when i get home i…
  • I, too, am so tired of chicken...BUT... I found an article in Womens Health May 2011 (borrowed the mag) called "Cook once, eat for the week". Yes, it is chicken, but every single recipe is soooo scrumptous. It called for a roasting chicken then all the recipes are made from it, but I used chicken tenderloins. Each recipe…
  • I have tried the not eating before bed thing too. And I swear I can not sleep if all I'm thinking about is being hungry. And if I drink a lot of water trying to "curb" my hunger and do manage to fall asleep, I wake up a couple hours later to pee and guess what? I'M HUNGRY STILL! UGHHHHH! My advice, from Dr. OZ, is just…
  • Well, you just did! YEAH! I hope your progress is going good. Mine is not! Just got back from vaca and I was BAD! I swear I'll be better this week!
    in Hi Comment by JuJuB3ans July 2011
  • My starting weight (2 weeks ago) was 225. My final goal is 150lbs, along with most of us. That number seems sooooo far away, so my short term goal in 20 lbs in 10 weeks. I weighed in today at 219, and have been working very hard at the gym. My problem is calories in! I feel like I am eating healthier, I eat a lot of fresh…
  • HI! I'm new too. Haven't had much time to figure a the little details of this website out yet, but actually, at least I'm not eating because my fingers are busy!
  • Thanks ya'll! Carbs are my demon! But I am determined to get rid of the cravings. I still always want a bit of sweet after I eat a meal. It's sooooo crazy hard. I will conquer though!