

  • I'm sorry I just realized I gave u the wrong website - mapmyrun is one I use to calculate my distances - the one I was talking about earlier is - it is a free online log that does everything that I mentioned in the other post.
  • Thank You. Looking forward to it. Dallas/Fort Worth is my stomping grounds. I've been able to walk and I think my lung is back to capacity - my rib is gonna take a while I think, but should be able to start running some next week in my "walks" - we'll see. Thanks for the welcome.
  • I use - It's easy and kinda cool. You sign up FREE and when u run u just put in the distance and time and it automatically calculates everything for you. U can even put ur shoes in and it keeps up with the miles u put on them so u know when to get new ones. I've used it for so long I don't even remember how…