

  • I would never worry about sugar from fruit unless you have blood sugar issues. It's not super refined white sugar, just sweet fruit sugars. Won't put weight on you. There are some who have a fruit diet and live off of mostly fruit, and I mean ALOT of fruit in a single day (we are talking 10 bananas for breakfast). All of…
  • Personally, if I'm going to have something sweet or that I want to have sweetened, I just go straight for honey, fruit or brown sugar (though I try to limit that because I find I wind up increasing the amount I use as my taste buds adjust if I use it in my tea everyday). I'd rather stick with the natural, because there is…
  • Then my bad, I thought my typo was being taken as a reason to dismiss my whole post! And plus, on my period and easily excited! Sorry for my reaction. Since you know about nutrition, any ideas on what to do for chelitis? Have had trouble getting rid of it, though coffee with sugar probably doesn't help. -scratch that- I…
  • Oh well pardon me for having a piece of technology that is constantly rearranging my words because "autocorrect" apparently can't spell either. You can either read it for the point, or read it to be an *kitten* wad and dismiss it that way. I don't have time to proof read and go back to correct a missing comma or the letter…
  • Ok, listen, the source of your nutrition DOES matter, both in regards to health and weightloss! While it's true that you can eat low cal processed refined foods and loose weight, what about the quality of your overall health and life? Does that not matter? Being thin and sick, or on the road to sickness is essentially the…
  • That was what I first though I saw!
  • Will certainly check it out this evening! And yes! Everyone counts the calories, and I admit to it myself! But nutrition is in the nutrients. The energy (calories) that come from the foods we eat needs the nutrients n order to be efficiently used. The nutrients are what matters to the body, because that is what the food is…
  • Angular chelitis can be a candida problem as well right? I've had splits in the corner of my lips for...of gosh, months now. Ive started using abreva however if it's candida or fungal related, that will do nothing for me. Anyone know what I can naturally do to get rid of it? Or any experiences with it? What are the…
  • Another article in why GMO will not feed the world. Links to a 600 ish page report on this issue. So if you would like to do some research, here you go! http://www.anh-usa.org/will-gmos-really-feed-the-world/
  • That's Monsanto saying it will "feed the world". Show me some scientific data -NOT produced directly or indirectly (as in funded) by Monstanto- which indicates that these GMO crops will feed the world population. If there is one, cool, I'd like to see it. But given what happened in India already, I do not see how Monsanto…
  • Just to be clear, HFCS is GMO. The corn raised for the processing into HFCS is GMO crop. Also, the beef and livestock we raise is fed on GMO and as we are what we eat, so are they. So in a sense, GMO is still part of the concern here. Without it, we couldnt raise enough corn to feed and fatten the animals on CAFO farms.…
  • Selective breeding is a completely different thing from splicing genes and crossing entirely different species with each other. Eel genes in tomatoes for example, would NEVER happen in selective breeding! It's silly and downright childish and ignorant to assume there's no difference, no consequence, and no problem with it.…
  • Just be aware of aspartame in "diet" and "low calorie" products. If you want to see what is so bad about it watch the documentary Sweet Misery. Might even still be on YouTube I do not know for sure though. It is amazing to me that it is a legal sweetener as it is essentially a poison. My mother has used it for years and…
  • Fruit of most kinds is a favorite of mine, but also love Some wheat thins now and again. I try to avoid anything with aspartame or corn syrup because of the potential health consequences. I slip now and again for treats or not reading the label when on impulse buys but would eventually like to be diligent enough to avoid…