lvnaris Member


  • I have the Schwin 431. I've had it for a little over 2 yrs. and it's gotten a little noisy (which goes away after I get it going), but I've read that I just need to oil the wheel. Aside from that, it's smooth, comfortable, and sturdy.
  • Good job everyone! I'm still here, too. I haven't been doing it every day, so I'm still on L2. I'm going to do the 30 days and then start just L2 again. I really like that L2 kicks my butt. I haven't been weighing myself either, but I've lost about 1 inch all over. Yay!
  • Just started L2 yesterday and it kicked my butt!! I'm actually looking forward to the challenge...
  • Not quit, but I am one of those who has taken 1-2 day breaks. Now I try to do at least 20 min on the elliptical if I don't feel like doing 30DS instead of not doing anything at all. But if I don't exercise on any given day, I count that as a rest day. I think dwelling too much on missing days messes me up more than saying,…
  • Saving! Thanks for sharing. I grew up drinking these in the mornings (sorry, never really measure): Chocolate banana: milk 1 banana 1 egg chocolate powder sugar to taste Strawberry: milk strawberries sugar to taste Add ice to both for smoothie consistency and blend! Sprinkle ground cinnamon once you serve, if you like.…
  • I agree, sounds yummy! I wish the boards had a "save to faves"!
  • I have Jillian's, too. It's actually $9+. I guess I shouldn't recommend something I haven't tried yet, but a friend makes smoothies for breakfast with the vanilla flavored one. I only found the chocolate, so that's what I have. I'm planning on making strawberry chocolate smoothies with it as I never make time for a proper…
  • I'll check out Turbo jam. Do you recommend a particular Zumba video? Thanks!
  • I just finished L1D3 and you were right; it wasnt too bad. Again, it's the side lunges/anterior arm sets that kill me. I may switch to 5lbs for the other arm sets, tho. I'll pat you on the back! Good job! I don't mind slowing down if it means good form. I have to remind myself that good form matters more. I don't adjust…
  • Are you planning on starting right now or after 30DS? Doing more than one Jillian DVD at a time does sound scary!
  • Thanks gals. I also have Ripped in 30 and No more trouble zones but I don't want to die so I'm saving these for after 30DS. I'm looking for pure cardio.
  • Yes! She's a lionhead. This picture's about 3 yrs. old so she's bigger now. Thanks! <3
  • I try to do -at least- 10 per set, but yesterday I almost collapsed after doing 3 in the second set. I took a little break and kept going, though. I really, really want to improve my upper body strength!
  • Thanks for good news. I hope I can keep up. I'm right there with you on the push ups! I also do the girly kind, but, ugh, are my shoulders/arms sore. Can you believe I only did like 15 total? lol I had to take a break during the second set.
  • Add me, too, gals! I'm bad with logging and need the accountability. I'll be doing L1D3 today evening.
  • Level 1 Day 1 done 10 min ago. The hardest for me was the squat/shoulder raise combo where you raise the arms in front of you to eye level. I couldn't do it to eye level and my arms were killing me. Here's to not giving up! Good job everyone! See you guys tomorrow.
    in Day 1 Comment by lvnaris January 2012
  • I'm also in!! I just received the DVD this week and was bummed the other groups started early Jan. so... here we go! I'll do 1 day of of rest and jump on the elliptical, too.