

  • The number 1 worst Christmas song is "Simply having a wonderful Christmas time"... I cringe when I hear this... What was he thinking...
  • What is RMR and TDEE?
  • I do go every 3 months and they keep increasing my dosage. Yes I'm so tired I could take a nap right now and its 9am... after I slept 8 straight hours. I also got these lovely (sarcasim) things on my arms called Granuloma Annulairs that look like ring worm but are caused by the Thyroid... so not only do I look like crap…
  • cardio kickboxing... I take a class at my gym and it is fun and you can be at any level to do this. work at your own pace as long as your moving your doing great.
  • Awesome job... I would love to be fit enough to start running.. I guess baby steps is the way to go.. again.. AWESOME!:bigsmile:
  • awesome job
    in WOW! Comment by mom12868 April 2010
  • I'm kinda new here also and getting very discouraged. I need all the help I can get... excersising, dieting not loosing lbs or inches... help...