

  • The same thing happens to me. I would like to have some feedback on this subject as well. It is very frustrating:(
  • That's awesome! It's nice to see a payoff when working at losing weight and getting fit. The scale has slowed down for me alot. I am in my mid-40's and pre-menopausal. The inches are coming off quicker than the pounds. I'm at the gym 4 times a week taking cardio kickboxing, strength training, boot camp and beach boot camp…
  • You can do it Linda! You are here and are starting your journey with lots of support here.:wink:
  • Hi! I just joined today. I've been doing kickboxing, abs, boot camp, toning, etc for 3 years but can't seem to move past a weight plateau although I've stayed steady. I was told I am not eating enough. Go figure! I decided to try something that tracks calories, protein, fat, etc. What city do you reside?
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