jseeke Member


  • I work out in the morning and I usually eat the majority of my calories before dinner. Breakfast is my biggest meal, then lunch then dinner. I rarely eat after 7PM and for me it makes all the difference. I have done a lot of reading on this and when you are sleeping your metabolism slows down, so your body is not breaking…
  • I love Killer Buns and Thighs!! Level 2 is the toughest for me. Level 3 focuses more on strength training and the first 2 focus more on cardio and strength training.
  • I would look at http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/. I love her recipies, she has not failed me yet. She is all Paleo. Also, I have a Yonannas (here is a link…
  • The same thing happens to me. Unfortunately we do just have to get used to it. My biggest piece of advice is to stay the course. Continue to eat healthy and when your period is over, your weight will be lower because of it. Dont binge or give up the good fight, I promise all your hard work will pay off. Hang in there.
  • I have a shirt that says (on the front) "Sweat is fat crying....." on the back it says "..... it's liquid awesome!!" I saw a sign while doing a race that said "Run faster I just farted" and another one said "Forward is a pace". I have also seen one's that say "Run like you stole something" and "I love Running and it loves…
  • I used to smoke and run (not at the same time). But when I first started running I was a smoker. I did not smoke much, but still. Once I quite my running improved 10 fold. I could breathe easier and it was totally comfortable and I was able to be in my running groove for a longer period of time. I would NOT plan on…
  • The weekends are hard for a lot of people. I honestly believe that planning is the secret to living a healthy lifestyle. If you know you are going to a party, work out the day of the party for longer than a normal work out. I always eat a ton of heathly things throughout the day before leaving for the event. Also, I make…
  • How is the Body Bugg different from a Heart Rate Monitor? I have been using a heart rate monitor when I work out for years and I love it. I am just not sure of the difference between the heart rate monitor and the body bugg. Thanks, Janel
  • I have an insulin resistance syndrome and I need to be very careful about sugary treats. If I have too many sweets I can get into trouble. I will have them on special occasions and I always feel like I have to "sugar detox" after those days are over. If I were you, I would not worry too much about the sugar in the skim…
  • I think it is accurate. I know it is a big difference, but men generally have more muscle mass and that burnes more calories. I am wondering if you both have around the same body fat vs. muscle ratio. I would take her monitor and use it on you and take your monitor and use it on her when you go out for a similiar 6 mile…
  • Bell Peppers Spinach Lettuce Onions Tomatoes Broccoli Celery Zucchini