dg2003 Member


  • Have you tried ezekial bread? Thats usually a pretty good alternative for me. Especially the raisin bread. There is no gluten and it has protein. Its made with spelt, beans and other ingredients that are good for you.
  • I was thinking the same thing. I was thinking that there must be others suffering and struggling with this addiction. Its very much like being addicted to drugs. Only problem is that the FDA has put bread, and all the carbs and chemicals into everything and when you try to go out to eat, there is not one thing on the menu…
  • HI! best of luck on your goals girl. No need to be shy...its having people to share your progress with that will make it that much more gratifying. Good Luck!
    in A Shy Hi Comment by dg2003 October 2012
  • Awesome. I'm excited for you and look forward to seeing your progress being posted. I too have gain alot of weight in the last year and i'm working darn hard to lose it. Keep the faith and keep focused on your goal.
  • Thats awesome and such a hugh accomplishment. Congrats!