trkinsley Member


  • That helps enormously. Thank you!
  • Lucia--thank you! I'm trying to wrap my head around all of this. One of my problems is that I used to compete in olympic weightlifting, and that means you have to weigh below a certain number to stay in your class. I'm not competing now, but I still have that same old mentality.
  • You can break them up. If you do them together, I always do cardio abs first; most of it's on the floor so you won't be completely gassed for pure cardio.
  • Expect to be sore the first week. Don't get discouraged if you have to take frequent breaks initially. Don't freak out if the scale goes up a few lbs the first couple of weeks--there is a lot of swelling in the large muscles due to eccentric loading (which is what plyometric moves really do), and that extra fluid adds to…
  • Have you looked on beachbody for the hybrid programs? I'm planning on doing a P90X/Insanity hybrid when I finish with my current Chalean Extreme/Insanity hybrid... it has actually been a very do-able plan.
  • It's harder, but it's not impossible. There are 3 circuits rather than 2 as in the first month, the warmup is longer and a little harder, and some of the exercises in the circuits are multipart. Don't worry, you'll be fine. :)
  • Nice job! What are you doing next?
  • Hi and welcome. What are you hoping to achieve in the next 60 days?
  • I'm starting month 2 tomorrow. I did fit test 3 today; no way did I want to do a month 2 workout after a fit test! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying month 2; so many people say it's so hard it is a little scary. Also, congratulations on that weight loss. That's awesome.
  • That's fantastic! How are you liking month 2?
  • We're on about the same schedule. I'm taking fittest 3 on Saturday and doing the first month 2 workout on Sunday. How have your results been so far? FR sent. :)
  • Baby steps! 1350 is a good start.
  • You probably have telogen effluvium. Things like significant weight loss, surgery, pregnancy, severe life stress, etc etc can cause the hair to get essentially synchronized in the growth cycle and lead to a massive shed rather than the average of 100 per day or less. It generally comes within 3-6 months of the stressor,…
  • I have it waiting for me, along with P90X2 AND Turbo Fire. I'm also planning on doing the Asylum to end right before Thanksgiving so I can earn my pig out! I would consider a hybrid of Asylum with P90X though..... hmmmm......
  • @mabbyann: you will need to increase your calories. Sounds like you've been doing a lot of steady state cardio; this is totally different. You will probably go up on the scale the first few days; the moves are crazy eccentric loaded so you will have sore muscles and water retention from the micro trauma. Don't worry about…
  • Globe jumps are HARD. Hey, you're almost through the first month! Woot! I'm in recovery week and I looooooove it. You're in for a treat soon.
  • Spanntastic: It's a program with one set of each exercise to failure plus some breakdown sets. I'm nearly through with month 2 now; I'm hybridizing it with Insanity. I come from a strength training background, and I do enjoy moving bigger weights, and although I love the quickness of these workouts (none longer than 35…
  • Great job! What workout are you going to do next?
  • I can't wait to start month 2. Tania/Tonya/Tonia (what is the correct spelling? I have no clue!) annoys the crap out of me. so I'm looking forward to seeing her less. I especially loathe her during the fit test when she looks all smug when Shaun T asks her how she did. Apparently she's his BFF in real life, and I'm sure…
  • Ugh I know it. They suck. Just do what you can, try and do a little more each time. By the way, your picture makes me grin every time I see it, so thanks. :)
  • c4chaos610 I love, love, love insanity, I'm on day 24 now. It's a great program. Whether you should get it or not depends on your goals.... what are you aiming for in the next 2 months?
  • @Twindg13: I'm getting average of 350, so about 9 cals/minute or so. Your hrm will calculate based on the parameters you enter, so if you entered height/weight, the calculation should be geared toward someone that is your size.
  • Ryka makes a great crosstrainer; amazon has it for about 50 bucks. I bought a pair of reebok flex trainers but I noticed I had patellar tendon pain after using those twice, so back to the Rykas. Don't do it barefoot on hard floors, whatever you do. Ouch!
  • Some of his things make no sense though... like "lift with your core". You're lifting your legs by flexing the hips... I guess there is some tangential relationship to the core, but it's a stretch.
  • What shoes are you wearing, and when you're jumping, are you landing with soft knees?
  • Well done on starting, you two. OMG, I didn't think the first fit test day was easy at all! I almost hurled! Expect to be sore this week, do NOT give up, and you will be so glad that you didn't when next week rolls around.
  • Hi Sara! It's fine to take an extra day off here and there. Life happens. I would say on weeks where you have an extra day (or two) off, you can probably skip cardio recovery... I'm doing a hybrid program with Chalean Extreme and Insanity, so I'm only doing it 3 days a week and just finished fit test 2 at the end of week 3…
  • You'll make it, just take breaks as needed, and don't expect to keep up with Shaun T and company initially. It's a blast, you will feel SO accomplished when you've finished that day's workout.
  • I took my second fit test and lost a couple switch kicks from week 1. You went up on most things, by a considerable amount on some of those, so I wouldn't worry about it. Just keep pushing, and see where you're at on the next FT. One other thing: I think the first fit test is full of flailing for people. By the second fit…
  • You can do insanity, assuming your joints are fairly normal in your feet, ankles, and knees. You modify it as needed (take rest breaks when you need them). It's an awesome program. I just did fit test 2, so I'm starting week 3. There is a lot of support in this forum and on facebook as well. If you want a cheering section,…