

  • I'll take the advice given on here too, and start leaving little man with his dad and hopefully eventually he'll get used to it and then I can do the same by leaving him with my parents.. I suppose it's one of those things that'll take time but will eventually get there.
  • Tatoodfreek - I am in the same boat as you! My little one is very fussy about who he is left with.. Sometimes he won't even have his dad feed him his milk, he'll only have it with me! I've tried going to the gym, I can just about get there once a week and it's a 3min walk from my house! Whenever I'm there I'm constantly…
  • Does everyone that's doing this challenge come back to this thread for encouragment, support, check - in's, tips etc?? I'm going to aim for 30 days of working out, but with my little one up most of the day and no-one to babysit him because he's so fussy it'll be a challenge! Good luck to everyone who's doing this challenge…
  • Hi Lorna! Welcome to MFP.. I'm in the same boat as you, i'm trying to lose 32lbs after having had my little boy 5 months ago. I lost weight after I had him but I had really bad sugar cravings and put on more weight.. MFP really does help as you can keep a track of what your eating and the amount of calories are in foods..…
  • count me in too! I'm going to try and stick to this, I lost 5 lb of the 32lbs I need to lose, then I put on 2lbs as I slacked in watching what I'd been eating! I'm a soda addict so It'll be hard, but Ive made a start by cutting down how much I drink.. By the way does anyone know how many calories you need to burn in order…
  • wow! well done! you've lost alot! The positive thing about my tummy is I hardly have any strech marks... not bad for having 2 children Any tips you could share would be much appreciated : )
  • The answer is yes! After going back to work after my 1st baby I dropped from a UK size 14 to a size 8 (within 5 months) which was my pre baby size and my tummy was flat! Good luck!
  • Thanks for replying! :) I was taking it easy at the gym, walking and jogging on the treadmill and cycling.. I got ill because I'd caught the bug off someone. The first few days back at the gym were abit slow paced I was ther for no more than 15-20 mins, I expected that before I got there, as I was going back after such a…