I totally agree, I'm open to surgery if I can get to my all-time goal (135 and ripped)! Didn't want to have to go that far, but I worked my *kitten* off for that body, I want to look good naked!! Way to go on your 80 lb loss!!!! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
I am definitely blessed with my 2 beautiful kiddos! Wouldn't take that back for a second! But I WILL rock that bikini!! Stretch marks or not! LOL
Wow you look awesome! You give me hope that I can get there too! Starting training next week, hope my before/after pics look as good as yours!!! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
I've had my Mirena for 2 years and I love it. I never noticed any changes in my weight from it, only from the crap I had been eating! Now I am getting healthy and have lost 20 lbs. in about 4 months, so I doubt it has any effect on weight loss. At least not for me. The cramping was pretty bad when it was put in, but my…
I'm in the same situation- been hanging out at 157 for over a week now after about 3 weeks of losing pretty steadily. My goal is 140 & it seems farther away than when I started at 178! I have been logging Everything I eat & working out almost every day (5 x's/wk). It is so frustrating!! I'm not giving up though. We can do…
If you aren't eating enough calories your body will go into starvation mode & will store everything you eat as fat. I know it sounds silly, eat more to lose more! My advice is to eat clean, healthy foods and amp up your cardio/workouts, which will tell your body to stop storing fat & start burning it! Good luck :)
height: 5'7 weight: 157 age: 28 I try to stay around 1300 calories a day. I have lost 21 lbs. since Jan. 1st. Besides portion control and cutting out fried, sugary foods, I have been doing cardio and some strength training about 4 times a week. My goal is to get down to 140 lbs. I am at a plateau right now and I know I…
It sounds like you are on the right track. Starting anywhere is better than not starting at all. You said you can't afford to buy special food just for you, and that's ok, just limit your portions to cut calories. Walking, running, working out at home like you said, those are all great ways to get started. Don't get…
Florist :) I get to make people happy by sending them beautiful flowers! Unless its a funeral, or PROM (the P word around here). Those high school prom girls are like little bridezillas!!! Other than that, I love my job!!! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
Wow great job everyone!! You all are awesome!!! I've lost 20 lbs in 3 months. Mainly portion control & no sweets. Adding in some exercise now to speed it up! Goal is to lose 20 more by June, but I'd be pretty happy with 15 ☺️ {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}…