

  • oooh, thanks everyone!!! I've just earned 55 cals on my air walker - now what could I eat??? THink I'll save them for supper!
  • When you think of it, there are a lot of differences.... petrol and gasoline fanny packs and bum bags I love the way the language changes so much. I have a very good friend who is American and she is married in an English man and when I met with them both, he often has to translate for us both - it's so funny!!!!
  • hee hee - "taking the piss" - is like taking the micky out of someone or teasing them..... or if someone does something rude to you like borrowed some money and never gave it back, we'd say "they're taking the piss"..... (piss is a swear word!! lol!!) Yeah, we say "sod" - in the context of "sod off"! I think fanny packs…