

  • Thanks so much for this inspirational post. It is definitely something that will help keep me motivated. I think it's difficult for us as adults to remember that we succeed at our goals one step at a time. I know that I didn't wake up one day and suddenly weigh what I do now. I think that I was in denial and kept on…
  • Thanks all for the encouragement. I'm really looking forward to this community.
  • Thanks all for the advice. I didn't take into account the fact that MFP already counts that. Sigh. Well I'm still going to keep track just because I know that it helps me to be more active at work. If I can get more than 2,000 steps in a day then it will make me happy.
  • I would love to join the petite group here. I'm 5'2 and weigh 126 lbs. I know the BMI says that I'm healthy, but I know that I have gained at least 15 lbs in the last two years. Two years ago I lived in Chicago and walked or took public transportation everywhere. I also had a pretty active job. Then I moved to Northern…