yes. Have you ever lost your bowels in a public place?
yes HYE started talking to someone, thinking they were someone else, and asked them questions like they were that someone then ran away once you figured it out?
Truely TPBM has a secret mustache fettish.
Thanks... I was wondering the same thing!
Thanks I can eat those things... and I happen to love them!
Thanks... I will try to up that... Soups are homemade with lots of yummy vegetables (blended in Vitamix) from my farmer. Maybe eating bigger portions with more meat/protein sources.
done! I just started on here again in the last two weeks. If you have a question about my recipe ingredients let me know. I walk, jog, yoga almost everyday with 1 day a week for rest. I've lost about 15 lbs in the last month and half. I have an extensive family history of diabetes so I try to be careful about sugar.
I will change that setting now
Steroids for two back injuries and no movement... Also, junk food during those lovely dark periods... I didn't care if it hurt later as long as it made me feel better at the start. That and lots of netflixing.