

  • That is a great question. I am eager like you to hear some of the responses, however the answers I think are stress, (as in using food as way to cope, and feel better) extreme dieting or starvation will cause a binge episode, pms, and just lack of willpower and control & not properly monitoring calories (im guilty of this…
  • I just purchased 2 - 2 packs of this product. (it was cheaper than 5 hour power shot) since my local pharmacy offered a buy one, get one free deal. I do think I feel less hunger, however I did take the product with food. Will post with later with results. =)
  • My height is 5'4 and my current weight is 140 pounds with my weight in my midsection and upper thighs. Two weeks ago I weighed the most as I ever did...148 pounds and I knew I needed to lose the weight. Ive packed on some healthy muscle throughout the years by staying active and walking...and kicking it up a notch doing…
  • <a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a><p style="text-align: center;width:202px;"><small>MyFitnessPal - Free <a href="">Calorie Counter</a></small></p> Applebees last Friday night..margaritas…