Dutch806 Member


  • You are an inspiration:flowerforyou:
  • Ok I have actually had this discussion with a very fit friend of mine. She works very hard on her weight and fitness and has for a very long time. You need 1200 a day. I have tried being below and fell into the starvation trap and gained weight. That is a minimum. I do a very physical job and she suggested I log at least…
  • WOW!!! I hate lettuce also. I just make a vegetable salad without lettuce. It kinda looks like a caprese (sp?) salad. I have raw carrots, celery, tomatoes, etc. in a circle with a little salad dressing in the center. It is really good and has all the fiber and vitamins of a regular salad. Lettuce is over rated. Feel free…
  • OK I guess will be the chubby here. I have 276lbs and realize that at 170 I am in a size 10 jean. I want to hit 165 and then I will re evaluate and possibly go for 135.
  • I am pretty new also. Watch your water and learn what your food is worth. At least that is what I learned the first week. Of course I knew sausage, my weakness, wasn't good but I had no idea it was that bad!!! Now I add fruit and egg whites and eat my sausage when I get it....very......slowly. Welcome aboard.:happy: