

  • I was told my my Dr. that to avoid hunger and dehydration to just aim for about 2-2liters of water daily.
  • A good part of the time I am, but I also heard that Apple Cider Vinegar is healthy. I figure I can drink the mix in the morning, then eat it on my salad in the evening
  • Thank you everyone, from the sounds of it Apple Cider Vinegar is quite beneficial. I am going to give it a try and see if it helps.
  • Yoga is like every other day, so walking is a good idea for the off days and possible even on the days that I do yoga. Fitting sweats are good with yoga, but I prefer form fitting shorts and a tank top with a baggy shirt loosely tucked in. I decided on the yoga because if I decided on just walking I would procrastinate to…
  • Thank you for welcoming me. I was going to start with mild yoga...I did that before. Would walking be better?