

  • If you're able to download them find some good bellydancing toning fitness videos. 30 minutes and you get a good cardio and core strengthening workout. My favourites are from a dancer named Rania. Good Luck!
  • I'm not a lesbian or anything, but to me a woman is more attractive when she has curves. Men should be hard, women should be soft, yin and yang :)
  • 'Happy Feet' when he is captured by humans and left to go crazy in confinement. When I watched it in theaters for some reason I thought that was how the movie was going to end and I almost burst out in tears.
  • Cereal is a big favourite of mine- its so quick and satisfying. This morning was Mini wheats and 2% milk.
  • Wow! Terrific poem! Hope you don't mind I copy and share it. Thanks for the inspiration!
  • Especially in the chillier weather I have a hard time breathing outdoors combined with running. Thankfully I have no problems on my elliptical and I love using it! There's controversy over which weighs more when it comes to fat vs muscle, but a pound of feather weighs the same as a pound of bricks. If we take MMA fighters…
  • I have a little girl who's turning two next Monday, and will be trying for a second on my Honeymoon this November! 2 Is enough for me, and I hope to have another girl as I'd love to give my first a baby sister :heart:
  • Thank you everyone for all the support and suggestions! I'm happy to report, after borrowing my neighbor's scale, I've lost 2.5 lbs in the 5 days of dedication! I'm sure most of it is from retaining water since I didn't drink much before, but its still progress and gives me a little more motivation to keep at it! :happy: