

  • Love him, love his mission to get people to eat healthier. Love that he uses real food and ingredients that you can actually find in stores . Own a few of his cookbooks and love the ease of the recipes. My only complaint is that he was never actually naked in the Naked Chef :P hehehe
  • I am doing a modified low carb diet ..similar to Atkins but not exact. ( I have lost 10 pounds already prior to signing up for myfitnesspal) . I am cutting out all processed sugar and bread and pasta products but am leaving fruit in my diet because i cannot make myself believe that food so unprocessed grown so naturally…
  • I am signing up for the Susan G Komen Walk For the Cure and fitness walking with some other ladies where I live. I am finding that being accountable not only to the other walkers but also to the training for a charity walk is a great motivator.
  • Amazing..way to go :)