Atkins Diet



  • DBabbit
    DBabbit Posts: 173 Member
    Has anyone tried the Atkins Diet? What is it like, is it obtainable? I have been having terrible sugar cravings.... Not been good :(

    I'm following the Dukan Diet, which is similar to the Atkins diet, but the fat content is lower. Most of my protein is in the form of dairy, and all of that is fat free or very low fat. You're basically going to relearn how to eat in stages. The sugar cravings only last a few days, and then they will disappear. Look at it as a lifestyle change. Fruit contains natural sugar - have an apple if you really don't think you can control your craving, but avoid all processed treats with the additional chemicals. More vegetables, better choices of lean meats, less fat and oils when cooking, and certainly less to no over processed foods are going to help you with your cravings. Good luck!
  • lizzil0
    lizzil0 Posts: 181 Member

    You don't see healthy people doing crazy diets to be that way, they just have learned to live differently than you.

    It's not a crazy fad diet. I am a 5'5'' woman, I've never weighed over 140 pounds, I exercise 3-6 days a week, I've never eaten red meat (parents were veggies, and when I could make my own choice I thought pork/beef was unhealthy), I rarely (4 times a year?) eat fast food.
    I always try to find ways to become healthier (started drinking green spinach smoothies a few years ago- they're awesome!) and that looking brought me to low carb thinking. The research that's finally coming to light about how bad grains and sugar are for you made me change my opinion on what healthy really is. Believe me it was like being told the earth isn't flat- but I have an open mind and I could see the truth without dismissing it as a crazy fad.
    Just because most people don't eat low carb doesn't make it crazy- I wouldn't want the diet of the average American, thank you.

    Edited to add- So people eating this way aren't all "lazy fat people" looking for a loophole.
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    I think all that matters in the end is finding the right life style for you, I have known people with great success with atkins and also people who havent, for me i just try to eat better whole foods, exercise more, and enjoy the ride. I really believe there is no right or right wrong making a healthy lifestyle choice, be it be low/carb, low/cal, or what ever you like. i wish you the best of luck
  • ohthatmomma
    ohthatmomma Posts: 115
    I don't know about the Atkins plan other than if you look at the ingredients of their product the list is long as your arm and full of chemicals.. I do better on a low carb , high protein , high fat diet.. eating natural foods. I feel better, loose weight , have a ton of energy. I am sticking pretty close to the paleo diet and I love it..I've lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks of doing this plan.. as far sustainable lifestyle I guess that really depends how committed you are to making it a lifestyle or are you just in to loose a few lbs,. I have celiac's disease and also a long list of foods I can no tolerate, including all grains, dairy, anything highly processed and gluten, so paleo makes sense for me and the way I have to live the rest of my life. I have no other choice.there will be no going back to the way I ate before.

    I am wondering about this diet. Or should I say this healthy way of living. I know it is all about lifestyle change and if you don't stick with it the weight is bound to come back... Trust me, I have done everything and the weight came back on. Of course, with 100 percent of my own doing! :-)

    I have been reading up on the Atkins diet, got the tapes and books from the library, researching online, and I have found nothing but good reviews, especially from the medical community.

    Like others, I was so negative about the whole thing, even claiming that the creator died from the frequent consumption of his own diet plan. (Which is not true at all).

    Anyway.... :-) I am looking to keep my muscle and not lose mass. I am hoping that the consumption of the Atkins menu will help me lean out as opposed to having that flab look.

    Do you have any pointers or advice to offer? You can message me, as well.
  • ohthatmomma
    ohthatmomma Posts: 115

    You don't see healthy people doing crazy diets to be that way, they just have learned to live differently than you.

    It's not a crazy fad diet. I am a 5'5'' woman, I've never weighed over 140 pounds, I exercise 3-6 days a week, I've never eaten red meat (parents were veggies, and when I could make my own choice I thought pork/beef was unhealthy), I rarely (4 times a year?) eat fast food.
    I always try to find ways to become healthier (started drinking green spinach smoothies a few years ago- they're awesome!) and that looking brought me to low carb thinking. The research that's finally coming to light about how bad grains and sugar are for you made me change my opinion on what healthy really is. Believe me it was like being told the earth isn't flat- but I have an open mind and I could see the truth without dismissing it as a crazy fad.
    Just because most people don't eat low carb doesn't make it crazy- I wouldn't want the diet of the average American, thank you.

    Edited to add- So people eating this way aren't all "lazy fat people" looking for a loophole.

    I find this diet very intriquing. Especially since It seems to make perfect sense to feed the muscles you utilize on a daily basis. This is what body builders do in an unhealthy way by consuming large amounts of creatine and high-protein drinks. Their desire is to feed their muscles. So, why is it wrong to feed our muscles with the food?

    I looked at the menu on the Atkins website, and it is a pretty good menu. The variety is awesome and I am anxious to get more information from others who have 'tried' it and. 'Adapted' the diet as a lifestyle.

    I am wondering.... Is it okay to exercise on this lifestyle change? I would have a hard time not doing so for a long time.
  • ohthatmomma
    ohthatmomma Posts: 115
    More ammo to help in the Atkins fight for recognition as a legitimate dietary way of eating.

    I watched this last night, well about 2/3 of it, enough to get the gist of it. What struck me was in the face of overwhelming evidence that the Atkins diet was superior to all the others, the speaker was still trying to make excuses for why that may be. I don’t know how many times he pointed out that the Atkins group couldn’t hold to the “low carb” for very long, that after 6 months their carbs crept up from 15% to just under 30% (if I remember the numbers right). Well no *kitten* Sherlock, did you even bother reading the Atkins diet protocol? YOU ARE SUPOSE TO INCREASE YOUR CARBS OVER TIME ON THE ATKINS DIET. In every category the Atkins diet won, total weight loss, keeping it off over time, blood work, in ALL CATAGORIES Atkins wins.

    Why is it that ppl who don't have the knowledge that is needed to make an informed decision? After researching online, Atkins won over the South Beach Diet and the Ornish Diet. Cholesterol levels were lowered. People lost significant amounts of weight. I was just amazed because all of these years I was one of those people who lacked knowledge regarding Atkins and merely repeated, sadly, like a parrot, what I heard from others.

    Regarind your post, you are right! The carbs aren't eliminated from a persons diet. They are increased over time. I think this may be something I could try and succeed at considering I am a carb junkie! Literally! I will eat bread, pasta, baked potato and call that dinner. Why? Because I am in love with carbs. In the meantime, I have picked up a significant amount of weight because of my eating habits.

    I know that there are a lot of fad diets out there, again, after researching Atkins I have decided (for myself) that this is no fad. No diet will work fully if you go back to your old way of eating. (Like I always do) so, if I start Atkins, it wouldn't be that Atkins failed me, it would be that I failed Atkins.... Or whatever I am 'trying out' at the time.

    Bob Greene, Oprah's trainer, takes you through phases. And I have been light headed, nauseated, since I have eliminated fat from my diet. (Not a total elimination, but very low) and there is a phase where you eliminate sugar, refined flours, stuff like that.... That is acceptable, but for some reason Atkins isn't.

    I guess it all depends on the road a person is willing to travel. What is so wrong with that? Right?!

    Anyway, I am excited to truly be learning about Atkins. Thanks for sharing the link!
  • KevlarKid
    KevlarKid Posts: 5
    I am doing a modified low carb diet ..similar to Atkins but not exact. ( I have lost 10 pounds already prior to signing up for myfitnesspal) . I am cutting out all processed sugar and bread and pasta products but am leaving fruit in my diet because i cannot make myself believe that food so unprocessed grown so naturally can be bad. i am sure this route is not as quick for weight loss as the extreme version of a low carb diet, but it appears to be working :)
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member

    You don't see healthy people doing crazy diets to be that way, they just have learned to live differently than you.

    It's not a crazy fad diet. I am a 5'5'' woman, I've never weighed over 140 pounds, I exercise 3-6 days a week, I've never eaten red meat (parents were veggies, and when I could make my own choice I thought pork/beef was unhealthy), I rarely (4 times a year?) eat fast food.
    I always try to find ways to become healthier (started drinking green spinach smoothies a few years ago- they're awesome!) and that looking brought me to low carb thinking. The research that's finally coming to light about how bad grains and sugar are for you made me change my opinion on what healthy really is. Believe me it was like being told the earth isn't flat- but I have an open mind and I could see the truth without dismissing it as a crazy fad.
    Just because most people don't eat low carb doesn't make it crazy- I wouldn't want the diet of the average American, thank you.

    Edited to add- So people eating this way aren't all "lazy fat people" looking for a loophole.

    I find this diet very intriquing. Especially since It seems to make perfect sense to feed the muscles you utilize on a daily basis. This is what body builders do in an unhealthy way by consuming large amounts of creatine and high-protein drinks. Their desire is to feed their muscles. So, why is it wrong to feed our muscles with the food?

    I looked at the menu on the Atkins website, and it is a pretty good menu. The variety is awesome and I am anxious to get more information from others who have 'tried' it and. 'Adapted' the diet as a lifestyle.

    I am wondering.... Is it okay to exercise on this lifestyle change? I would have a hard time not doing so for a long time.

    Absolutely! Run, jump, dance, play tennis, throw a ball! Move your body. Gym membership is optional.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Has anyone tried the Atkins Diet? What is it like, is it obtainable? I have been having terrible sugar cravings.... Not been good :(

    I'm following the Dukan Diet, which is similar to the Atkins diet, but the fat content is lower. Most of my protein is in the form of dairy, and all of that is fat free or very low fat. You're basically going to relearn how to eat in stages. The sugar cravings only last a few days, and then they will disappear. Look at it as a lifestyle change. Fruit contains natural sugar - have an apple if you really don't think you can control your craving, but avoid all processed treats with the additional chemicals. More vegetables, better choices of lean meats, less fat and oils when cooking, and certainly less to no over processed foods are going to help you with your cravings. Good luck!

    You don't need to be low fat. There is a great video you can view on you tube that shows that low fat is not a healthy way to eat. It is in the first message at the top of page 3!