

  • I too am 52 and had to decide enough was enough. And 47 lbs of unwanted fat it pretty close to you 52. I am not on the IP plan, but I do want to encourage the comment about exercising. That's the best thing you coud do for yourself! doesn't necessarily have to start out with exercise per say. Many things we do burn…
  • I too woud be happy with the size 10. I was a 12 in Jan. when I decided to cut back to one job. Unfortunately it was the one workin me to death but burning mega calories. 5 months of total leisure for the most part, and tons of comfort food had it's cost. At 187 it was enough. Lost my first 10lb. first couple weeks in…
  • Well ladies, I too am fairly new. Couple of weeks almost, but love the site. Really helps educate so I can make wiser choices. Also allows me to keep track so I can make adjustments for the things I crave. Ice cream, mmmm, an extra walk, or work out or maybe wash the car, makes that allowance real easy.