

  • The headaches are from caffeine - I'm assuming you don't drink coffee, but what about tea? Green tea is GREAT for you, much lower in calories - just generally much healthier. A lot of people drop weight just cutting soda out of their diet. But if you can afford it and have the room, I'd very much suggest getting a mini…
  • I'm a chocolate lover, too. Don't deprive yourself completely, allow yourself a treat or reward every so often! Skinny Cow ice cream treats are great! Lower calorie than normal ice creams, and there are a lot of options. Also Healthy Choice premium fudge bars are 100 calories and taste amazing! Very chocolate-y. :)
  • Thanks, guys! I think I'll start upping my workout slowly, doing a more intense workout once or twice a week for a while, and walking the other days - that way, I hopefully won't get burnt out as quickly!!
  • What about Dance Dance Revolution? It gives you a good work out - you're jumping around a ton - and it's actually fun. A lot of the time I'm so focused (especially once I got into the harder difficulties) that I don't actually realize it's a workout.
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