

  • As long as you want to change, then the step towards your goals has already started. It can be long and hard, but call on any of us for support and advice and between us we will help you get where you want to be.
  • Welcome, im all the way across the pond in the UK. Im into week three now and wish you well. I would wish you luck but it does not require luck. There are many of us here in the same position, you ever wanna talk, you ever have a problem, just shout, we are all here for you. Andy
  • one little thing i've found is that I stopped getting snacks altogether, but have a snack pot in the kitchen with baby cherry tomotatos in it. It is surprising how sweet they are, any they are almost as good as having a nice snack I often do the washing and grab a couple, like i would have candies but its great, and it…
  • well done. It shows it is possible. I am so happy for you and will ensure I stay with it
  • welcome to MFP. I've been on and already lost 6lbs so I am happy. I have a long journey ahead and happy to chat and support if you want. I am lucky as I have my wife on here and two close friends for support. I am interested in recipes and tricks to fool my mind that i am still eating some tasty food. Normally im a steak…