

  • It is bad for you, but it's so delicious on popcorn! I use butter spray. I don't think it's as bad for you as say - lean cuisine meals or something like that. <3
  • True facts. I've seen her attention span fetch a stick!
  • I am doing this again. Before I got sick in november I got to week 6 (it took me a few months, I was doing it outside). But I started again earlier this month and am on week 4 for the second week in a row. I redid week 4 because I am breaking in new shoes.
    in c25k Comment by kesseret March 2010
  • Far Cry, Mario Kart, Wii Bowling (it's very competitive in my house), Rock Band, and Second Life. I've played but not liked: WoW and Starcraft. Though I don't do much anymore since most of my time after work is spent on my Second Life websites and then exercising. <3