That's awesome!!! Great job! I'm so glad you didn't give up.
That's amazing!!! Good for you!
I can ONLY loose weight if I keep my calories around 1000. I usually don't admit that because people get really upset about it. BUT! That's what works for me sooo, oh well peeps. ;-D
Every year (especially when I feel good about my weight) I want to dress up. I can't ever justify spending the money on a costume though...Boo!
You're such a great inspiration! You look amazing and look like you're having fun too! My daughters ages are almost the same as yours! I love meeting other moms with 3 daughters. :-D
Happily married!
Great job!!!
Nuts are good. :-)
You look amazing!
Read this blog post, and the comments. I found it to be very helpful. Great article! Thanks for sharing.
I'm Central Cali! I just sent you a request. :-)
Wow! You look amazing!!! Great job!
You look amazing! Great job!!!
400 calories sounds like an eating disorder to me. Eek!
Hurray! Congratulations!!! 40 pounds is great progress. Keep up the hard work! :-)
5 hours is too long of a drive. I wouldn't drive that unless the race was really going to be amazing!
Great job! You look amazing! Keep up the hard work.
That's awesome!!! Great job!!!
Wow! Great job!!! You look amazing!!!! Keep up the good work.
I love to look at other's progress to motivate myself. Here are a couple blogs I follow:
I was more successful without the gym. I've lost all my weight in the comfort and privacy of my own living room. I have small kids so its hard for me to get out of the house. I exercise while they're napping. Good luck!
No, you're loosing your fat. Keep up the good work!
People like your cousin need to get a freakin' life! Avoid her at all costs, she's not worth making an effort for. You look great!
I bought one a few weeks ago and am not at all happy with it. It already fell apart and I've only used it 3 times. The filter broke off from the top. Oh well, I'm glad yours is working well!
Okay, thanks for the input!
Stay under your calorie limits! Good luck!
Hooray! So exciting!! Good job!
I agree with everyone else. Start with the 3 pounds and work your way up. I started with 5 pound weights because I didn't want to spend the extra money for weights that I wouldn't use for long. So it's up to you. Now I wish I had 7 pound weights. Good luck!
I love to jump rope, such a great workout for me!