amylynn48 Member


  • I have the polar FT4 and I love it! Found it on Amazon for less the $60. I like it because it saves all your data, shows if your heart rate is in the zone, tells how many calories burned and how long you worked out for. Plus it is cute and not big and bulky.
  • Thanks fo creating this Leah! What a great idea! I am in! NAME: Amy AGE: 36 HEIGHT: 5'0' START WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 147 GOAL WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 137 START PANTS SIZE: 12 (US) GOAL PANTS SIZE: 10 (US) FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: Nothing specific. Just count calories, carbs, and fat DIET GOALS: To continue to eat healthy and…
  • I make a healthy egg mcmuffin. I use fat free sliced ham, fat free cheddar cheese, and a fried egg white on an Orowheat multigrain sandwich thin. Less then 200 calories!
  • Level 2 day 13 done14 done. Man I am a hot sweaty mess after doing level 2, lol!! I can really feel it in my arms, shoulders, and back. I am hoping maybe I can start getting my lower arms toned and get rid of some of the flab! And when I sneeze my abs hurt, hopefully that means it's working!! Thanks for everyone for being…
  • Level 2 day 12 done. I think I was able to do it better today, with less watching of the TV to see what they were doing lol. I did almost all the modified versions of the excerise in level 1, but I feel that I can do more of the things with Natalie on this level. I am certainly liking this level more then the first. Great…
  • Less jumping jacks on L2? Oh I like that idea. [/quote] I actually enjoyed level 2 more then level 1! Maybe because level 1 got boring and this was new and exciting!
  • I did level 2 today. A lot less jumping jacks then level one so that made me a happy girl :) A couple of the moves were more challenging then level 1, but nothing too hard. She does quite a few in plank position. Overall I didn't find it more difficult then level 1, I definitely felt the burn and the sweat!! Good luck to…
  • These are all so wonderful! Thanks everyone for posting them!
  • The first couple days are the hardest, stick with it and push through. It does get easier because you are buliding up your endurance and strength! Good luck to you!!
  • Hahaha!! So funny!!! Plus she can't count!!!
  • Level 1 Day 10 finished. I did my day 9 after dinner last night and then day 10 this morning. I seemed a little tired and some of the things were harder to do, like the anterior raises with the side lounge. Not sure if because I did them only 14 hours apart vs. 24 hours apart. So I think I will give level 2 a try tomorrow…
  • Come join us! Feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • Good for you!!! Glad you restarted and finished! Day 9 for me after my girls are done watching their movie!
  • Day 8 done. About the same as the last few days. I think I will stick it out for 2 more days on level 1( it is just getting a little boring) then give level 2 a shot. I am curious to see how Jillian will torture me on level 2 ;) Great job to all of you ladies!! Everyone is so commited!!! Keep up the great work!
  • Looking awesome!!!!
  • I use runkeeper. You can program it for all different types of activities, runnin, walking, cycling, etc... It keeps track of you minutes and how far you have gone and maps it out for you. And it's free!!
  • Level 1 day 7 complete. Did tons better on my jumping jacks tonight. I am really starting to feel it in my abs. Not a sore feeling, but a more toned feeling if that makes sense. Saw my friend today who I just saw on Saturday and she says "my you are getting skinny." So something must be working!! Have a great night…
  • Level 1 day 6 done! The jumping jacks are still killing me. I think because I have dislocated my left knee in the past and am afraid to put that kind of pressure on it. Do you think it would be terrible if I substituted butt kicks or jump rope in place of the jumping jacks? Good luck to everyone and have a fantastic day!!
  • D5L1 done! Doing better. The endurance is definitely building. Good luck to everyone today!! And have a great Monday!!
  • I agree with Dusty, the more times you do it, the easier it gets. I just finished day 4 and wasn't nearly as bad as day 1. And you certainly have not failed!! Everyday that you get up and do it, is a win in my book! Don't be so hard on yourself, you can do it!!
  • Ok Day 4 done! I feel it is getting easier and I am not quite as sore. I can at least walk up and down stairs without being in pain, lol! I can certainly feel my endurance building and can do more without losing my breath as quickly. Good luck to everyone!!
  • I am using the 3lb weights as well, and they feel like 20lbs by the time I am done!
  • Can I join? I just finished day 3 level 1. It is a killer workout. I never thought jumping jacks could be so hard! Good luck to everyone!!
  • I got my DVD in the mail yesterday, so I would love to join! I am going to start Day 1 Level 1 today!!
  • Missy, we are almost exactly the same. I am also 5'0'' and my starting weight was 155. My goal is to be 125. Possibly lighter, but we will see when I get there! I also have had 2 C-sections and it seems impossible that my belly will ever be the same again! Any tips ot tricks that you may have?