30 Day Shred start date 7/10/2011



  • M12e31g
    M12e31g Posts: 38
    Day 2, Level 1 done. Tried doing it in the morning on an empty stomach and had no energy, tried again after dinner and was able to. I wasn't sore all day, but as soon as I started the DVD, I could feel yesterday's workout. I'm really wondering how my body is going to do with 30 days straight, no rest.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    L1D3 done!
    My muscles were really sore from yesterday so I did extra stretching for about 5 min before I started. I really helped getting the blood flowing so my muscles weren't all kinked during the exercises.
    I wimped on the pushups, and 1st cardio-stopping for a couple sec (about 2 items) then back into it. I didn't do much better than yesterday but I did do a little better. I was able to do the other cardio w/o stopping tho I did slow down a little.
    Wimped on 2 reps of the anterior lifts near the end-my arms just didn't want to go up at all!
    I'm using 3lb weights.

    I tried to friend everyone yesteday- If I missed anyone please feel free to add me.
    And thanks for this group- I was so sore from yesterday I would not have done it today if not for the fact that I knew I had to post. Now I'm glad I did. My body isn't as much of a jello salad today-probably because of the muscle ache, but it's a good ache.

    Now off for my chocolate milk reward.
  • Abbietara
    Abbietara Posts: 30
    NotGoddess, I was sore today too. Do not worry about having to take breaks, it will get easier. I had a very hard time with my knees this morning. I think (hope) after a week we will not have any soreness.
  • lildietitian
    lildietitian Posts: 45 Member
    Hi!! I started a few days ago with a different group but most of them are on level 2 and I feel so behind. Super glad I found this group!!

    My first day was rough because I pushed myself a little too hard following Natalie. Had to take a day of break because I was so sore... today is day 3 and I'll post after I finish!!

    We can do this!! I've taken my measurements before just to compare with when I'm finished... hoping for big results!!
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Day 2, Level 1 done. Tried doing it in the morning on an empty stomach and had no energy, tried again after dinner and was able to. I wasn't sore all day, but as soon as I started the DVD, I could feel yesterday's workout. I'm really wondering how my body is going to do with 30 days straight, no rest.

    I plan on taking one day off a week.
  • just finished D1L1 of the 30 day shred but how do i log that on my excersice log? how do i determine how many calories i've burn, bc the database isn't bringing it up. am i searching it incorrectly?
  • Luckysusan
    Luckysusan Posts: 947 Member
    Level 1 Day 4 done this morning. Parts of it seem easier now. Trying to do the regular pushups as much as I can. Managed 10 today before going to modified pushups. Maybe before I finish day 10 I can do them the entire time. The heat is bad here too. I walked for 60 minutes this morning at 7 am but left out running today. Maybe I will run on the treadmill in the cool house later today.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I did Day 5 L1 this morning. I took yesterday off because of an insane work schedule. What I found is that today was a little harder than day 4 because of that. I will not be able to make a full 30 days with no days off just due to my life, including a weekend away scheduled in a few weeks, but I think it may be more beneficial to do it straight through, so as much as possible that is what I am going to do.

    I have seen a few people commenting on doing more warm-up prior. I think that might be the reason the first cardio circuit is so hard from me is that I am not really warmed up yet. Thinking maybe tomorrow I might ride my stationary bike for 10 minutes at a n easy pace first and see if that helps. Well, that and a stronger sports bra :laugh:

    Great job everyone! Keep pushing.
  • BananaBee3
    BananaBee3 Posts: 224
    Great job today ladies!

    I'm going to do my routine later tonight. Tomorrow I'll have to wake up early before work to fit it in, so I'm going to need some motivation to get my butt outta bed!

    Going to go for a 1.5 mile run too :)

    What other workouts are people doing with 30DS?
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    Started today.. didn't go as hard as I planned as I spent two hours mowing my lawn today before doing it... I ask yet again why hubby couldn't have gotten a self-propelled mower. I probably sweated off two pounds pushing that mower through our insanely thick grass. I applaud myself on getting the whole yard done without bogging down the mower and having it shut off though lol. Last time I managed to kill it like 6 times in the thick stuff.
  • amylynn48
    amylynn48 Posts: 26 Member
    Level 1 day 6 done! The jumping jacks are still killing me. I think because I have dislocated my left knee in the past and am afraid to put that kind of pressure on it. Do you think it would be terrible if I substituted butt kicks or jump rope in place of the jumping jacks? Good luck to everyone and have a fantastic day!!
  • Sessa1984
    Sessa1984 Posts: 6
    Is there anyway I can join. I need some motivation when I am doing this.
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Level 1 day 6 done! The jumping jacks are still killing me. I think because I have dislocated my left knee in the past and am afraid to put that kind of pressure on it. Do you think it would be terrible if I substituted butt kicks or jump rope in place of the jumping jacks? Good luck to everyone and have a fantastic day!!

    Absolutely not! "There are 400lb people who can do jumping jacks and so can YOU"
    Oh no I think I'm possessed by Jillian!:love:
  • wow I guess I'm really late... I'm in, better late than never. I'm starting as soon as I get home.
  • FieryNikkie
    FieryNikkie Posts: 61 Member
    I just finished RI30 and starting the Shred today. I can't wait!

    How were your results with the Ripped In 30 series?

    I have toning in my legs where once there was none, and my arms, which are always a problem spot, are much more defined. I lost about 5 lbs, but am only hoping to lose about 5-10 lbs total so I am mainly focusing on inches and toning. I can't believe that I can do some of the things I can do now (I can go 3/4 of the way into a real pushup, not on knees, for the entire 30 secs/1 min total and have never been able to come close to even one before!) Jillian is really motivating to me, during cooldown of week 4 she really gives you an ego rub, and when I finished out the last day of RI30 I cried. Really, not even ashamed to admit it. I have had two kids in 2 years and started the dieting and exercise routine about 5 months ago and am so proud of myself for finishing out something so difficult like RI30. I feel like I can accomplish any physical goal I set my mind to now and am so grateful for the health of my body. Sorry to get maudlin, but I am really appreciative of having a 30 min trainer workout in my living room while the kids nap and taking control over my self image. Today's Shred was pretty easy honestly, after doing Ripped. But I did notice her hammering home the shoulder muscle group and there is no getting around it, it's hard! I am doing it unmodified and with as much difficulty as I can stand. The only downside is that I have noticed more popping knees. I walk around and can hear my knees popping occasionally, so definitely take your day or two off! I also do 45 mins of walking with the double stroller per day so that could contribute. Stick to it girls you will be glad you did! I am excited about getting through the Shred and seeing what else Jillian has in store for me (I am thinking 6 week 6 pack after Shred). Good to join forces!

    I have also had two kids in two years and the Shred always takes place RIGHT when they both get put down because who knows if the 5 month old will actually sleep through the whole thing! I'm also doing the c25k- running 3x a week. That's great that Ripped gave you such good results, guess thats where I'll be headed next!
  • FieryNikkie
    FieryNikkie Posts: 61 Member
    D6L1 done this morning! I wasn't sure if I was going to get it in today but then my oldest son slept in with daddy so I had some extra time to kill.

    Everyday it seems I have a new sore muscle. Today was my shoulders from getting through every anterior raise move yesterday and my calves. The calf pain made it a little difficult to get through the first set of cardio seeing as we are jumping up and down on the balls of our feet but I made it through!

    Still doing all the pushups on my knees but I am able to do every one without stopping. I think I will be taking a day off tomorrow because I have to work (I'm a server) and do a 2.5 mile run so adding the Shred might push it too far. Back on track with Day 7 on Thursday!
  • Luckysusan
    Luckysusan Posts: 947 Member
    oops messed up the reply
  • Luckysusan
    Luckysusan Posts: 947 Member
    Level 1 day 6 done! The jumping jacks are still killing me. I think because I have dislocated my left knee in the past and am afraid to put that kind of pressure on it. Do you think it would be terrible if I substituted butt kicks or jump rope in place of the jumping jacks? Good luck to everyone and have a fantastic day!!

    Absolutely not! "There are 400lb people who can do jumping jacks and so can YOU"
    Oh no I think I'm possessed by Jillian!:love:

    HaHa..that is too funny
  • amylynn48
    amylynn48 Posts: 26 Member
    Level 1 day 6 done! The jumping jacks are still killing me. I think because I have dislocated my left knee in the past and am afraid to put that kind of pressure on it. Do you think it would be terrible if I substituted butt kicks or jump rope in place of the jumping jacks? Good luck to everyone and have a fantastic day!!

    Absolutely not! "There are 400lb people who can do jumping jacks and so can YOU"
    Oh no I think I'm possessed by Jillian!:love:

    LOL, that is too funny!!! I guess I will just push threw those darn jumping jacks!!
    HaHa..that is too funny
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Level 1 day 6 done! The jumping jacks are still killing me. I think because I have dislocated my left knee in the past and am afraid to put that kind of pressure on it. Do you think it would be terrible if I substituted butt kicks or jump rope in place of the jumping jacks? Good luck to everyone and have a fantastic day!!

    Absolutely not! "There are 400lb people who can do jumping jacks and so can YOU"
    Oh no I think I'm possessed by Jillian!:love:

    LOL, that is too funny!!! I guess I will just push threw those darn jumping jacks!!
    HaHa..that is too funny

    You can do it! Don't watch them, just listen and go at your own pace! !!
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