30 Day Shred start date 7/10/2011



  • SunnyDispo619
    Day three, level one down. I did not necessarily think this would be easy, I mean, it's Jillian Michaels, but I did not anticipate being this sore. I thought I would fare a little better since I run 30 minutes 3-4x/week and do cardio kickboxing. I'm super glad though, b/c if I'm not sore, I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere! Lol!

    Good luck everyone...keep going!
  • holli3586
    holli3586 Posts: 103 Member
    I will do it. I started it a few weeks ago did it 3 days and quit but i'm better at sticking to things if i have a challenge.
  • iGarciax3
    iGarciax3 Posts: 14
    Day 2 (from yesterday) Level 1 : Honestly, because I tried three days in a row, my body just wasn't feeling it. So, I took a break (which will probably be the only time I will take a break from this.
    I will be doing level three in a few minutes. I'll keep you guys updated=]
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Level 1, day 5 done. For some reason I had a really tough time yesterday, but no such problems today. I managed to get through both sets of pushups without dropping to my knees, and you gotta believe I was majorly jazzed by that accomplishment. I practically floated through the rest of the routine. :happy:

    Dusty, I also need more of a warm-up. The moves in the 1st cardio circuit are repeated in the 3rd and shouldn't be any harder, and yet I feel it a lot more in the 1st circuit. I'm not very flexible and should probably add more stretching too.

    Potato2, I'm doing Couch to 5K in addition to the shred, currently in week 7, which I'm sure is why I haven't experienced any soreness in my legs between shred workouts. Arms and shoulders, yes, but not legs. Other than that I'm just trying to make it in to the gym a few times a week to put in some time on the resistance machines and maybe burn a few calories on an elliptical.
  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    Day off for me but back at it tomorrow. After 3 full days, my knee was really stressed from the bends so I decided today was Off.

    I can't believe how good you women are with your pushups...heck...I can only do the first set on my knees. And I have done mega Yoga Planks but still struggle with push-ups. Guess you could call it my challenge. But then I guess I also need to consider my old body and getting back on track once again.
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    Day 2 (level 1) done. I didn't stop my HRM between my run and the Shred, so allegedly I burned 579 hours in 1 hour and 12 minutes. I think that's a bit high, but either way it's all good.

    So, is everyone continuing their regular workout schedule in addition to the shred? That's my goal, but I'm trying to figure out if it's feasible (not so much from a can I do it standpoint as a can I make my schedule work standpoint).

    I plotted everything I want to do in an excel worksheet and it's a bit of a rush to mark off all the workouts. And it's only 30 days, right?

    I hope everyone had a great Shred today!
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    Level 1 day 6 done! The jumping jacks are still killing me. I think because I have dislocated my left knee in the past and am afraid to put that kind of pressure on it. Do you think it would be terrible if I substituted butt kicks or jump rope in place of the jumping jacks? Good luck to everyone and have a fantastic day!!

    I'm having a bit of the same issue, having had knee surgery in January and been on crutches with no weight-bearing for 8 solid weeks. There is a modified jack (don't tell Jillian I told you), where you kick one leg at a time. It offers a bit more stability. I'm sure if you google it you can see. I was a little annoyed that she doesn't offer a modification. I get that she doesn't want people to take the easy way out, but when you have knee issues, a jumping jack is scary. I tend to alternate between very soft real jacks and the mods. I'm sure if you just do the butt kicks, though, you'll get a good result, too.
  • Nlakshmi
    Nlakshmi Posts: 72
    D3L1 done... i had to force myself todo it. I was so tired before but now I am feeling good since I forced myself to do it...
  • lildietitian
    lildietitian Posts: 45 Member
    haha! He did get a self propelled one for himself... you're just the propellant :tongue:
    Started today.. didn't go as hard as I planned as I spent two hours mowing my lawn today before doing it... I ask yet again why hubby couldn't have gotten a self-propelled mower. I probably sweated off two pounds pushing that mower through our insanely thick grass. I applaud myself on getting the whole yard done without bogging down the mower and having it shut off though lol. Last time I managed to kill it like 6 times in the thick stuff.
  • lildietitian
    lildietitian Posts: 45 Member
    Day3 Level 1... not as sore but still sore... when you roll over while sleeping and you're woken by tender thighs... you know something is working!! ha!

    No Pain No Gain
  • BananaBee3
    BananaBee3 Posts: 224
    L1D3 done!

    So, tomorrow I'll have to workout at work and I don't like the idea because I like a certain sense of privacy when doing a workout DVD...I guess I kinda worry about looking silly? Plus, I work with all guys...I really don't want them to poke fun at me for doing a JM DVD. I CAN lock the door...and the workout is only 30-ish minutes, so part of me is saying "whatever, just do it...so what if someone pops in?" but the other part is just self-conscious, I guess? Anyone else ever feel this way or something similar?

    Good job today everyone!
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    I don't really even want my husband to watch me do it. I can't imagine doing it at work. Just keep your door closed! Good for you for making it happen, regardless of the circumstances.
  • Luckysusan
    Luckysusan Posts: 947 Member
    Day 5 Level 1 Completed.
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Level 1 day 4 is history! To work in some extra cardio and wram up I have added 8 minutes stationary bike before and after work out.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    L1D4 Done! Better than yesterday, worked through the soreness, extra warmup before helped. (short post...late for work :)
  • eml32
    eml32 Posts: 4
    Shred - Level 1, Day 7

    I was not in shape when I started and am about 50 lbs over weight. I have had knee problems in the past but have not had any problems with this workout. The 1st two days killed me and I was sore all over but I stuck with it and was surprised how much I improved over a weeks time. I am past the soreness and can almost get through the whole workout! I am nervous about level 2!

    To everyone just starting and especially those who are out of shape... stick with it! It gets addicting and now I look forward to it.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    Finished Day 6 L1 this morning. I jogged in place during all the talking at the beginning to get a little better warm-up. That helped, but that first cardio circuit still kills me. I feel great this morning though and had the best calorie burn yet. I took a minute at the end to watch L2. I assumed there wouldnt be an modifications in the upper levels, and was surprised to see there was. I guess that means I don't have to be Natalie before I move on, so my plan is to move on after 10 days and just do the modifications in the upper levels too.
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    L1D2 complete.. at some point I'm going to actually get this dvd done before doing something else first lol. Yesterday it was mowing the lawn and today I went to ride the horse first. I also took some before front and side photos today.
  • linnea213
    linnea213 Posts: 178 Member
    D2L1 complete. Upped my weights from 2lbs to 3lbs and WOW could I feel it! Beautiful day in Chicago, I'm heading out to enjoy it!
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    07/07/2011 D1L1
    07/08/2011 D2L1
    07/09/11 D3L1
    07/10/11 D4L1
    07/12/11 D5L1
    07/13/11 D6L1 - Made it through!
    1) Raised my legs to 90 w/the chest fly and felt much more effort
    2) Got in most of the side lunges (using 10lb kettleball)
    3) Definitely more energy today then 11th or 12th! TOM is here :-\ So I'm happy with what I got done!
    4) Made it through all cardio!
    5) Push-ups killed me today, usually I can do 10 real & then finish w/knees on 1st set and then 5 real & finish on knees second set, but I didn't make it today. :( My knees literally caved in (fatigue)

    6) Finished with 10 minute solutions Pilates ~ 10min Flexibility (for stretch) ALWAYS feel so refreshed! I love that one. (on Netflix instant stream)