

  • Can't say it better than Nikki already has! Weight homeostasis is only a consequence of a generally healthier existence. Focus more on feeling better about yourself and as a whole rather than any numbers on a scale or calorie counter. Everything you eat is a decision--you either decide to eat it, or not. There's no guilt…
  • I'm a 3rd year med student. I generally keep a mini Lara bar in my pocket (90-100 calories each--not the full sized ones!) for when I don't have a chance to actually eat something. Keeping carrot sticks somewhere is good, as well as packing some protein powder to just mix with water as protein is pretty filling. Limit…
  • It sounds like you need a change. Perhaps put your trainer on hiatus and branch out on your own for a little while? Do something to rock the boat! Has there been some sport you've been interested in but never tried or even one you never thought you'd do--kick boxing, krav maga, belly dancing, canoeing, ballroom dancing?…
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