sbedette Member


  • I realized yesterday shoveling our driveway and sidewalk, that last year I couldn't even do that! Here in western NY, we got over a foot. I was so proud of myself! Sore today, but worth the almost 600 cals burned!
  • We have started a tradition for the fall/winter in our house: Soup Sunday. Make a new soup recipe each Sunday. My husband is loving it. Fresh soup tastes amazing a servings are under 300 calories for any I am making. Make a large pot on Sunday and save the rest for the week. Helps the waistline and the wallet. And a…
  • This stuff is definitely amazing! Peel and slice bananas, put in freezer inside ziploc bag. Once frozen take out and put in blender until smooth. EASY!
  • Any suggestions on the soup? I feel so blah I don't want to make any myself and am afraid of the canned soups. Any that you know are good? I have a daily allowance of 1220 calories, so I definitely don't want to consume too many calories for a meal. I have halted any exercise at this point until I can at least breathe. I…