misskarlee Member


  • I was able to keep myself focused and on track yesterday and I hope I'll be able to do the same today. I'm proud of myself, when I feel like a snack I'll reach for a banana or apple. I'm finding it a little hard, but it's nice to see the amount of support this website offers! =] x
  • I try hard not too but sometimes I can't help it, I like to make sure I'm on the right track!! But at the moment I'm trying not too, and haven't weighed myself since Wednesday.. I hate not knowing if I'm losing weight or not but I'll soon find out when this wednesday comes! Lol x
  • I started last week too! I've had the MyFitnessPal app on my phone for months, I tried it before but got distracted! This time I'm so determined not to yoyo! Good luck Lucy =] x
  • I always do, when I'm upset I just want to eat tons of chocolate! Or pots of pasta. I think a support group would be great for people that do binge when they are feeling emotional =] x