Emotional eaters

darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
edited October 3 in Introduce Yourself
Anyone else eat out of feelings? We need to form a support group!


  • johnhowson
    johnhowson Posts: 73 Member
    Yes definitely, when I am anxious or worried about things I eat more.
    I certainly used to nibble at any time day and night - bit like chain smoking but I don't smoke.
    This is now more under control but I still start looking around for stuff to eat when I am feeling bad.
  • Natalie49
    Natalie49 Posts: 210 Member
    Yup, that would be me! :(
    This is something i really would love to change about myself.. I always eat(more like binge) when i'm in a bad mood! :\

    I second your idea about the support group! :) sounds helpful!
  • misskarlee
    misskarlee Posts: 5 Member
    I always do, when I'm upset I just want to eat tons of chocolate! Or pots of pasta. I think a support group would be great for people that do binge when they are feeling emotional =] x
  • afteil
    afteil Posts: 162 Member
    Definately me- my grandfather just passed and so far ive gained like 4 lbs>< need to get that under control quick!
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    3 years ago I was 132 and due to the loss of loosing my brother and my oldest son got a divorce and my youngest moved round trip of 200 miles and then oldest son was in a relation ship that went sour it was just enough to push me over the edge! Now I am struggling to get the wt off once again! I am so tired of doing this taking it off and putting it on! I have had so many people say just don't eat! If it were that simple!! Well their is 3 of us so lets start this group.
  • Absolutely. I am sitting bedside with my Mama. Hospice said they would be surprised if she makes it through the weekend. Since yesterday, I have downed 1-1/2 cans of Pringles and countless other things. I can't do anything else, so I am eating...and eating...and eating
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    Sorry to hear that about your mom! I know what you mean. When I was in the hospital with my brother I had a few donuts and I told myself it was ok as I needed something to make me feel better and get through it! 2 led to 4 and so on and on. Then other stuff started happening and I lost all control. I would eat untill I actually threw up!!! Anyone ever do that? We can break the cycle hopefully by having each other to lean on that knows it is more then just eating too much but it is a emotions that make us eat more then normal. I don't know if anyone else feels this way but I actually don't even enjoy food anymore,once in a great while!
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    Everyday I will put a post called Emotional Eaters and we can vent to each other,share our downs and well as our goals! We can lean on each other. Or maybe before you start to eat something we can get on here and hopefully once of us will be on and we can chat about it! I am not going to say we don't fall but we learn to get back up and not give up if it is a bad day! That is what I did! We can do this! We can get to know each other and maybe tell about ourselfs alittle and why we started eating out of emotions to begin with.
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    So sorry about your mom! Will be saying a prayer for you and her! Hugs!
  • I agree.. I always eat when I feel emotional. I have a hard time working through those emotions without food....
  • For the first time since Monday, Mama said she is getting hungry and wants pizza. So, even though it is 7am, pizza we will have. The thought of it? Blech! But she won't eat if I don't eat. I know she isn't going to get any better, but I am going to do everything I can to keep her happy until...

    Your thoughts are good ones.
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    That is good that she wants something to eat. Maybe just cut you a smaller slice and eat it slow. Again,I am sorry for what you are going through! I know it is hard to let go of loved ones and I have lost a lot of them but I have peace knowing that they are in a better place and not suffering! I hope you can find comfort in knowing that and Gods love!
    FAVOLOSOMII Posts: 188 Member
    WHERE DO I SIGN UP? I previously wrote about my relationship with food and now I question myself before I eat. Most of the time, the conversation goes a little like this:

    ME: Are you really hungry?
    BODY: Kind of.

    ME: Are you eating because there's food available?
    BODY: Pretty much.

    ME: How long has it been since you last ate?
    BODY: 10 minutes.

    ME: Are you angry or upset?
    BODY: Yes.

    ME: Do you REALLY want to forfeit that last workout?

    I'm not saying I do this ALL the time, but for the most part I do and it helps me...
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    yes i am an EMOTIONAL EATER....there i said it....nine years ago i got divorce and in the process gained 50lbs, so yes i consider myself an emotional eater....in the past nine years i have not done much in the weight loss dept., though i exercise regularly (i love to workout, its my therapy) and add to that some weight gains due to menopause...i started MFP in aug 2010 went great until january of this year when i went off the wagon and didnt start back up until late may....my weight loss has been VERY slow, but i do have to watch my moods carefully.....i will look forward to this thread, thanks for starting it....good luck to all
  • KEN1013
    KEN1013 Posts: 182 Member
  • AloyMomNwife
    AloyMomNwife Posts: 146 Member
    Add me there too! After I had my second child (almost 2 years ago) I have struggled with my emotions... and gaining weight. I have a great husband and healthy, beautiful girls but my hormones or something possessed my head and made me loose control of my moods and emotions. And with that came the food/weight gain cycle. I would eat to feel better but ended feeling worse because I knew what I was doing to myself. It has gotten much better since I started working out consistently last January but, about a month or so ago I stepped on a scale at the Dr's office and was weighting 5 lbs less than when I went to the hospital to have my second baby. You can all imagine what happened next... I ate everything and anything that crossed my path. After having an emotional (another one) breakdown I decided for real to log in here everyday and seriously control what I ate. My monthly hormones still make me a little crazy but nothing like they used to. Plus, now it only happens once a month, not every other day thru the whole month. And I'm starting to see results... I thought my waist was gone for good and forever and it is making an appearance, which has me excited and makes me stronger against emotional temptations. We can do it!! Reaching our goals will make us stronger in so many ways!! Great reading from all of you!
  • kjraye5
    kjraye5 Posts: 40
    Where do I sign up for this group?? I can eat when I'm happy, sad, depressed, mad.....well you get the point. =)
  • anhancock10
    anhancock10 Posts: 148 Member
    I am soooo an emotional eater!!! sign me up.
  • I am definantly in this group i eat no matter what i was doin good but family issues arrived and i fell off the wagon and it rolled over me a few times I eat no matter what like when im depressed frustrated bored I dont know how to control it again how to set my mind back to where it was So i am up for a support group I actually love this idea so let me know what to do to join add me as a friend if u all want to ......... I really need someone to keep me accountable for what i eat and how much of it
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I would eat untill I actually threw up!!! Anyone ever do that?

    I used to do that when I was a kid. Now it seems like the emotion that causes me to eat also causes me to not be able to keep the food down. It doesn't matter how much I eat either. I've had people get mad at me for this before because they thought I was doing it on purpose, which only makes it worse.
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