Emotional eaters



  • tallteacher
    tallteacher Posts: 74 Member
    I'm totally an emotional eater. I had lost 50+ lbs and was almost to goal when my father died. I gained 60 lbs over the following 6 months, and THEN ended up pregnant! I'm back to getting healthy again (3 years later). I found a book, while pregnant (so I actually haven't finished it) and it's called "Life is Hard, Food is Easy." I only read the first 3 chapters and need to pick it up again and finish it now that I'm on this journey. I don't want another life changing event to screw up my progress. The books is great! The basic premise is that you can never, ever lose the weight for good under any diet program until you get your emotional eating under control. In the first three chapters I read, there were so many great tips and ideas to help control my emotional eating. I actually use them all the time! I'm excited to finish the book to find out what else there is that I can do so that THIS time is the LAST time I ever have to lose the weight. :) Good luck everyone!
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    Every Morning I will post under introduce yourself-Emotional eaters as I do not know where else to post it. I think that will work.
  • rlw77
    rlw77 Posts: 61
    I am a huge emotional eater! That's how I ended up at my highest weight of 301. I have never weighed that much in my life before and it was a huge reality check for me. I am trying to get back on track now. It's so hard to get the emotional eating under control. I wish you all the best!
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    Hope to see all tomorrow as I think it will be good for us to post just like we chart food and exercise. Hope everyone is doing good and enjoying the weekend! I been cleaning house and doing some laundry and before long going to the gym to work out. I have my son helping me as far as getting my exercise in. Will check back later!
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    yes i do i need help on that. Mine is mostly at night. I dont know why
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    Absolutely. I am sitting bedside with my Mama. Hospice said they would be surprised if she makes it through the weekend. Since yesterday, I have downed 1-1/2 cans of Pringles and countless other things. I can't do anything else, so I am eating...and eating...and eating

    OMGOSH I have been there. I miss my mother so much I pretty much took care of her every need for 2 yrs alone packed on 30 more pounds and after she past I still have problems. I cry everyday still I miss her. Hug her for as long as you can.. I will pray for you. I feel your pain right now... Im sorry to hear this I can be here if you need me.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    I would eat untill I actually threw up!!! Anyone ever do that?

    I used to do that when I was a kid. Now it seems like the emotion that causes me to eat also causes me to not be able to keep the food down. It doesn't matter how much I eat either. I've had people get mad at me for this before because they thought I was doing it on purpose, which only makes it worse.

    I did to!! My real mom would get beat up beyond recognition and I would eat til i could feel it in my throat and then uncontrolably throw up because my stomach was so full all the way up into my throat!!!!!!!!!!
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I can relate to something every single one of you typed! Got a divorce - gained 30 lbs. Grandma in hospital - ate like a pig. Lonely - EAT EAT EAT. Feel bad about how awful I look - EAT SOME MORE. Want to celebrate something happy - GO OUT TO DINNER. One time driving to work (about 10mins) I honestly thought about food 5 times. After the first time I told myself to stop and that made it worse. I obsess (spelling?) about food. I just got done eating a late breakfast and was already thinking about lunch. Hoping my daughter will ask me to take her somewhere. Because if she brings it up I CAN'T say no right? That would be mean.
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    Welcome and I hope you will join the group and post daily. I have been as high as 250 and as low as 129. It seemed since the past 3 years old I have had more trouble getting back on track myself! They say in order to loose wt you have to find out what causes you to eat emotionally to begin with and then you can start to loose the wt and keep it off. I am sorry to say but for myself it is also a habbit as well as I have done it for 32 years now. I know I will always have a problem with food but hope to have better control like I had been till all of these things had hit me. I felt so overwhelmed and food was my savior I thought! We can do this together and be here for each other and vent what we are feeling.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    Since I had my son (he's 13) this is the 3rd time I've let myself go. And this time I added 10 more lbs to it. You are right - I need to figure out another way to cope with my emotions so I can keep it off this time. That is assuming I can get it off. The last time I did I was in my late 30's. I'm turning 43 this month and see such a difference.
  • I am an emotional eater as well, and it doesnt help when my dad calls me fat or anything, because I just lose it and continue eating on healthy. I struggle when people point it out.
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    So far the day as gone good and I think I made some good choices. I hope everyone elses day is going good for them as well!
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    Good Night everyone! Hope everyone had a good day and was able to stay on track and not eat out of emotions today,If so give your self a pat on the back and if not don't let it get you down,their is always tomorrow! God Bless!:smile:smile:
  • yssadalawa
    yssadalawa Posts: 14 Member
    I'm an emotional eater too! The problem is, I love eating junk food while am at it.
  • karenbobaren
    karenbobaren Posts: 127 Member
    I tend to eat more when I'm feeling down, but overall I love food! Just a couple of nights ago I had dinner with some friends and went to Shipwreck (Queen Mary Haunted ship in Long Beach) afterwards. Well in the food court they had ribs grilling and omg they smelled so delicious that my mouth could no stop watering! I wanted to eat so bad, but I didn't out of emabarassment since we all just had dinner.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I've miraculously reached my goal weight in 4 moths but have a TERRIBLE relationship with food :-( . I'd love to join a nutritional savvy group :-)
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