shannonbrandy Member


  • I had the same concerns so I read through this post and found it very helpful. I'm 5'5", and at my heaviest weight ever - 203! I weigh more today than I did when I was 9 months pregnant with both of my babies so I'm SO worried about gaining! Thanks for all the helpful advice! I had my calories set at 1250 and thought I'd…
  • Hi everyone! I started Insanity last Monday and even though the workouts are killer and I can't keep up with everything yet, I've seen a major improvement in my ability in just a week. No weight loss yet but it's a no brainer that will come soon considering all the sweating that takes place! Add me so we can motivate each…
  • It's killer but you'll notice in a week that it starts to get easier to do the excercises. I started last Monday and seriously couldn't even complete the warm-up but you'll improve quickly! Keep at it...I hear the results are beast!