

  • Hi Pamela, Thank you so much for all of the info. expecially the menu of what you eat. That is very helpful. It gave me an idea of things that I can eat and not go over 1200 calories. Thanks again
  • Hi Banks1850, Yep, 1200 calories. I know it will take a while to lose 70lbs, but that is ok, it took a while to put it on too. I don't know if you mean that I should be getting more or less calories??? My "meals" are as you said, not really meals but parts of them. 1/2 bowl of Cereal for breakfast, tomato sandwich for…
  • Hi Emikarls, Thank you so much. You hit the nail on the head, I am afraid to eat. I worry about everything that I am putting in my mouth. Special K is what I have for breakfast too. I will try adding some yogurt. I looked at the frozen meals, but had no idea what kind to get. I will try the Panini. You are doing great!!!…
  • Hi, I just started yesterday on my diet. I need to lose about 70lbs. I have a several health problems that are not in my favor for loosing weight, but I am determined to lose these extra pounds. My doctor sd. that I need to eat 1200 calories a day. I did not even come close to that yesterday, I only managed to eat about…
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